Day 6 Nubeena Monday 31st January 2011

View across Parsons Bay at low tide

Hello listeners,

Those of you sitting home in Adelaide might be interested to know it was cloudy and cool here today with light late rain during the evening and a temperature of around 18! i.e. about 24 degrees cooler than what you had today.

As noted previously today was a day off for us. We dusted off the bikes and had a ride into town, The land here is quite hilly so we were puffing and feeling the strain in our legs. We returned our bikes and travelled back into town on foot to have some lunch. We also ventured onto the tidal flats and were amazed at the army of small crabs on the surface. When you approach they bury themselves in the mud. We will post some pictures or video when we get the chance. I look at them and I see bait!

After lunch we had a discussion with our host about the jobs we could be matched to in our time here and a further tour of the site. Tonight was a shared tea so Susan took the opportunity to cook sticky date pudding while I attended to our washing. It was a good evening albeit a latish finish. We got to meet the other HelpXers. There are around 9 here at the moment including us.

I am told there are oysters, mussels, abalone and squid available to catch locally. Looks like we also have the use of a dinghy with motor too so hopefully some seafood coming our way.

Tomorrow fingers crossed for some sun!

cheers Simon

Day 5 Nubeena Sunday 30th January 2011

Easterly view of Maria Island in the distance

Hello Readers,

We have arrived at Nubeena and are currently settled into our room at the Parsons Bay Resort. The weather is reasonably cool at around 17 and overcast. We had a bit of rain today which didn't inconvenience us.

Last nights sleep was disturbed for some by the noise of the partying at Lake Leake. Apparently I was one of the few who missed it. The story was that the Inn was so full they had to send out for more beer.

Our neighbours last night were Graeme and Jo from Westprint Maps at Nhill and also Graham and Tina in their mobile home. We had a pleasant session sitting around the campfire. Yes it was actually cool enough to enjoy the fire although admittedly I did have shorts on.

Todays travel was fairly uneventful passing through Swansea in Glamorgan shire (imaginative naming), down the coast to Sorell and then to Port Arthur where we availed ourselves of the free BBQs to cook lunch. I was struck by similarities of the scenary to places in SA. Being reminded of areas like Gorge Road adjacent the Torrens and the coastline around Middleton where the fields go down to the water. For most of the journey there was a lack of uniqueness and we could have been anywhere in Australia.

We arrived at Nubeena early in the afternoon and drove around the township and surrounds to get a feel and to kill some time since our hosts were in Hobart. We were greeted on our eventual arrival by Julie and shown our accommodation and around the resort. Ilan and Lynne our hosts arrived with the weekly food purchase and kindly supplied us with wine and a cooked meal which was most welcome. Tomorrow our first official day we have off, I suspect mainly because we arrived a day or so early. This will give us an opportunity to settle in. I am told the fishing is good. Atlantic Salmon pens are visible in the bay from the resort. After seeing the bay Susan was cursing me for not bringing the inflatable and the outboard but we can apparently use craft from the aquatic club for $5 a day so that's all good as well.

Cheers Simon

Day 4 Lake Leake Saturday 29th January 2011


Topiary example "Bully Beef"

Recent flood damage in the town

War Memorial complete with topiary

On the banks of Lake Leake

Hi Everyone,

Today started in Railton where the intrepid travellers spent the night sleeping in semi upright positions in the pajero. Surprisingly we weren't stiff this morning and apparently I didn't snore. Two freight trains passed in the night as the parking spot is in the grounds of the old railway station.

We spent some time exploring Railton "The Topiary Town" after visiting the bakery for coffees.

After breakfast we drove towards Launceston where we called into the nearest Woolies petrol station and purchased supplies from the WW supermarket. We were more organised today and had decided our route and the location of tonights sleeping spot Lake Leake where we arrived early in the afternoon. One thing you have to love about Tasmania it is small! Lake Leake is a nice spot with a lot of shacks in a thin band along the lake.

It is trout fishing country and there was a competition here today. Being a weekend many shackholders are in evidence and appear to be trying to drink the inn up the road dry. We prepared our first tea of the trip and we are finally getting the rear of the car organised for easying cooking for overnight stops. I haven't mentioned the weather yet but it was a very pleasant 27C today although it has now clouded over with the possibility of some rain tomorrow. However 27 is much better than the 42 forecast for tomorrow hey Adelaideans. Pictures for today will follow so check back later. Anyway have to go and sit around the campfire and do some drinking and fib telling so must away ...

cheers Simon

Day 3 Railton - Davenport Friday 28th January 2011

Hi Folks,

The synchronicity of the phones was almost absolute when they rang the alarm call this morning. We hitched up the trailer and departed the motel for the pier and joined the queue to get on the boat. We were familiar with the procedure from our last trip in 2007. We selected a spot on the boat adjacent to a power point and settled in for the journey.

The trip was only notable for the unfortunate return of Susan's motion sickness. Probably the long motion of the swell rather than the choppy waters she has been ok with. Suffice to say she had to beat a hasty retreat from "Nanny Mcphee" in the cinema twice. However by the time we docked in Devonport after 9 hours on the water she was feeling a lot better and not surprisingly hungry.

We decided to adjourn to Sharkys a great little fish shop in Devonport we discovered last trip before going to a caravan park. This was a bit of a mistake. The fish shop was busy and by the time we had enjoyed our food and drink it was 920. Of course all the parks were now closed so we legged it down to Railton to a free camp for "self contained vehicles" only. Being law abiding citizens we slept in the front seat of the car rather than throw down the swag and be law breakers. Tomorrow onto, good question, Launceston for some shopping and towards Hobart. Our assignment at Nubeena starts on the 1st of Feb so we have a couple of days to get there.

cheers Simon

A warm up video for the cameraman of the Spirit of Tasmania leaving Port Melbourne and Port Philip bay. Many thanks to the ships announcer for his commentary :-)

Day 2 Melbourne Thursday 27th January 2011

Hi All,

The day started in the swag in the layby with swarms of hungry mosquito’s gathered on the outside of the mesh adjacent our heads awaiting their next meal, confirming their attraction to CO2 emissions. Unfortunately for them all they had for breakfast was a dose of Raid. The high population was no doubt a result of the surface water from the recent floods. Susan also got some practice with the mossie bat while we had breakfast and packed up.

We cruised into Nhill for some nice coffees at Olivers and a good burst of internet. Leaving Nhill the display sign advised that the Western Highway was now open which was handy! Lunch was at Ararat where we detoured into the camping shop and purchased a fold up table that fits into the back of the paj on the storage shelf.

We arrived in Melbourne to the peak hour traffic and enjoyed the crawl over the Westgate Bridge before turning off to Station Pier from whence the Spirit of Tasmania ferry departs. Two lanes were closed on the bridge as fences are being fitted to stop people jumping off.
We considered our overnight accommodation options whilst parked on the esplanade.

Susan did an internet search while I strolled along the esplanade. Susan secured a room at the Easystay Beachside on Fitzroy Street for $115 with parking for camper trailers. Although we had the address, finding it was a bit of a nightmare since it has a very small shopfront. After some trips up blind alleys and touches of road rage we rang reception, secured precise directions and all was good. After unhitching the trailer we settled into our room and then ventured out on to Fitzroy Street for tea. The street was busy much more so than and any Adelaide entertainment area on a Thursday night. We dined in a French restaurant, $35 a head for entrée, main course and a glass of wine. Susan declined to sample the escargots. Good food, good value. Thence to bed with 3 phones set to alarm at 0600.
Tomorrow the ferry!

Cheers Simon

Day 1 Camerons Reserve. Wednesday 26th January 2011

The rig
Hi Folks!

Here we go again!

We left Baume Circuit at around 1530 saying our goodbyes to Mike the new custodian of our house and finally relieved to be back on the road travelling if only because it means that the packing and visits to the storage unit are finally over.

We trod the well familiar route up the freeway and were soon devouring the bitumen. The trailer seemed heavy to start with but is now feeling lighter all the time and not because bits are falling off (I hope). We stopped at the Bordertown Hotel for an excellent tea. Great T-Bone cooked perfectly with garlic butter on top for me.

After tea we travelled to our selected parking bay a few km’s out of town and alighted from the vehicle just on dusk. We were immediately set upon by swarms of the biggest mosquitos I have seen for ages. Just as well we were wearing short tops and pants for protection! Beating a hasty retreat to the car and after discussion of options we headed up the road through Kaniva to the next bay. Thankfully it took the mossies a few minutes to find us and in this period we were able to located the Aerogard and get protected. We then threw the swag down, fumigated it and secured ourselves behind the mesh for a pleasant nights sleep oblivious to the passing trucks and other vehicles pulling into the bay. Well I was oblivious Susan gave me a full report next morning.
Next stop Melbourne!

A tip for new blog readers and old ones who have forgotten. Larger versions of the pictures can be accessed by clicking on them!

Cheers Simon

Preparation for 2011 trip

Building the storage unit

Finished unit in the Paj

Details of the electrics

Hi All,

Having arrived home on December 3rd our preparation time for this trip was delightfully punctuated by grandparenting duties of Abella while Stephanie gave birth to Arleigh. We had Christmas with both Simon's and my families which was a great time to regale them all with our adventure tales. From their glazed looks our expectation to have them look at all our photos was too ambitious!

Alyce turned 21 so no we have no more "children" only "adults". We met Amelia, Tim's friend and Kit, Jono's friend and had too little time to have chats and get to know them. We managed to catch up with about a quarter of the friends we promised to see, time just escaped us, sorry guys......

Having decided to travel for the next 12 months we decided to rent out our house and set about finding a tenant, Tony (realestate guy) who sold me the house did an inspection and gave us some pointers. In the end we did not need to use a third party as Mike our friend, Danielle's dad, needed a place to stay and was happy to take the place with furniture saving us storage space at UStore it. Packing up our personal belongings reinforced that we collect too much "stuff" when you stay in one place for any length of time. Who ever said you should move every 8 years was probably right though every 2 would probably be better. Come to think of it travelling the highways and byways is the best way to keep "stuff" to a minimum. I actually found the busyness of the city and the all the "stuff" a bit stressful, guess I am cut out for life on the road after all.

Hopefully our Laurel and Hardy moments will be kept to a minimum with Simon's handiwork to build a storage unit for the back of the Pajero. Camper trailer was repainted, canvas bags for fish and crab nets purchased. The brake master cylinder on the trailer was found seized the day before we left. It was disassembled and repaired under floodlights on Tuesday night. Hopefully the replacement cap will prevent ingress of moisture and subsequent seizures.

Plan for the year - Tasmania for 2 months, HelpX at Parson Bay for 4 weeks, hike to Cradle Mountain (Overland Track) 8 days, More HelpX TBA, then depending on notification regarding census collection work head north following the sun, probably via WA.

......So finally we are ready to leave, see you all ON THE ROAD...............

"Hit the Road Jack..."

Cheers Susan