Day 38 Kinbombi Falls Sunday 15th July 2012

Hi All,
A cool evening tonight. I don't mind because it means a clear sky.
We awoke this morning to the arrival of the rain band. The rain was steady but not too heavy and only lasted on and off for a couple of hours.
The gorge floor

The little stream

The falls

Once the rain had stopped and the mornings rituals had been disposed of we took a walk along the other path. This provides a better view of the gorge and also a track down to the gorge floor. It was a little slippery in parts although I was only one who managed to fall over.
Down the bottom we were able to gauge the depth of water that flows through the gorge in the wet. We also  found an unspoilt side stream with clear non algal water a legacy of not flowing through farmland. As the sun broke through the clouds I was able to see into the water and observe a 25cm catfish swim past answering one of my questions about the fishing potential. Not that I have any rods to fish with. I shall ring the Kyogle police station tomorrow to see if they have been handed in.

Maidenhair in the little stream

Hardenbergia on the track

The rest of the afternoon we toodled around camp. I adjusted the solar panels to try and catch up on our battery power. I decided to rig up a new harness to run them separately. Even though I tried to be clever buying the newest panel at the same size and same make as the original they have different maximum power voltages a parameter that I didn't check. The upshot being that separately they put out about 11 amps and together 8 or so. By the time I had completed this it was too late in the day to make much of a difference.

We are heading to our HelpX at Imbill in the morning since we now should have fine weather and have almost run out of food. Having bought one days supply that Susan the masterchef stretched to three.
It is time for us to leave this spot. For the last 2 nights there has only been 2 cars here. With the fine weather there has been an influx. Near the entry there is a group of 4 vehicles. I am restraining myself from going down there and asking what brand generator they are using so I don't buy one brand since it seems to be the worlds noisiest. I think that subtlety might be lost on people who throw accelerants on their camp fire with toddlers adjacent.

cheers Simon

P.S. big hello to the blog reader from "Prescott Arizona" who uses the Safari browser on their Ipad.


  1. Looks a beautiful spot and what's wrong weith throwing accellerant onto campfires, I do it to the weber all the time.

    1. Not when your kids were looking over the edge though!! Ferals!
