Day 29 Gulmarrad Friday 29th July 2012

Evening folks,
I have just learnt another canvas lesson. When you clean off mould spots even with a weak plain bleach solution you must reapply the water proofing. How do I know this? There are showers tonight and the small area I cleaned is leaking like a sieve. Unfortunately it is on the roof where the water runs down so it is dripping a bit. Mercifully it is just showers. Hopefully we will have enough sun to dry the proofer tomorrow. Should be fun trying to paint the strip on the roof. I think I will have to drop the end down. If it does rain more then it will be out with the new tarpaulin and cover the offending area.

My day started about 630 when I awoke and realised the bin had not been put out. I patted my self on the back for remembering before the sound of the rubbish truck reached us. Especially after a late night.

Susan spent some time this morning sorting out our kit. She has an idea to make the tent tidier which is basically putting our clothes into the plastic boxes and storing them in the camper with the contents of the boxes going into the roof bag in the empty clothes bags.

I carried on with the application of the bird wire to the hay bales spending most of the day doing it with a consequent skills and speed improvement. The showers started at 2 causing me to run around and pull the plastic screens down off the roof. The rest of the afternoon I worked inside with the floodlight on.
Susan journeyed to Maclean to grocery shop, hardware shop and buy animal feed. Most important was the purchase of takeaway coffee!! On her return after hanging our washing she spent the rest of the day cutting and bending wire into staples to secure the mesh to the bales. I shall try for pictures tomorrow.

I snapped this bird this morning. It was unusually co-operative for the bird life here!

As far as I can tell this is a white bellied cuckoo shrike

My field guide describes it as "sedentary, migratory and nomadic" Sounds like me!

Tomorrow my aim is to get the wire finished. However we all know the road to hell is paved with good intentions.Night folks

cheers Simon

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