Hi All,
Another brilliant sunny day here in Southern Tasmania. I continued on with my fire out the back and started picking up the scrap metal and other rubble from the ashes to be included in tomorrows rubbish collection.
No sign of the missing chicken. I did hear some clucking up the back and on investigation it was way up the back in the chicken house next door. The other jobs today were potting raspberry vines and planting some bushes. The bushes will need to be replanted tomorrow because I put them in the wrong alignment which I realised tonight when reading the instruction email. We did a bit more painting across the road and it is looking better in the small area completed.
The day was running smoothly until Susan waylaid me around 430 with "The people in 11 don't have any hot water" This unit is in a row of 7 serviced by 3 heat pumps in a bank. Yes they were all cold. The fuses were all good the breakers all switched on and a dead end. A call to Ilan who was in casualty in Victoria after having a load of slate fall on his legs established I was looking in the right area. However I could find no faults. This had also occurred a few weeks back and he had changed a blown fuse. The wiring here generally is a bit of a nightmare with some new stuff and some very old stuff with a lot of the boards unlabelled. I found myself at the main board looking at some ancient bits that had once been the supply to the water heaters in that malfunctioning wing. I did find a fuse socket that was pretty knackered but not repairable by me. Next problem was the cafe lost power as well but only to one run of sockets the newer installations were all ok. In the meantime the 3 heat pumps all started up. Apparently after you turn the power off they reset after x minutes. Why did they stop working? who knows? Fortunately there is a proper electrician coming next week to wire a new R/C air conditioner. I think he will be having a busy day.
By the time I had humped all the bins out I didn't feel like making tea so I shouted us pizza from the cafe. Nice they were too!
The laugh of the day was a parcel for me with a replacement battery for our GPS. The battery was about 4 by 3 cm and 5 mm thick. It arrived in a box around 25 by 16 by 6 cm. Could have fitted a 100 batteries in it. I certainly had a "what the hell" moment when I saw the the airbag. Anyway the GPS is back together and working so now we have 2! Once again it is midnight so to bed!
Night folks.
Cheers Simon
Day 153 Nubeena Wednesday 29th June 2011
Hi folks
Susan despatched me to freshen up the house across the road with some new paint. Actually to provide guidance to Johnny and Lian in the task. There is always with a bit of trepidation on my part when helpexers are let loose with paint brushes. I have seen some of the past paint jobs here abd to say they were rough would be praising them.
I actually had a different task in mind as the sun was shining and a nice breeze blowing from the north ideal weather for burning a largish pile of tree cuttings, rounds and old timber stacked up. I set the fire off and it burned better than expected. By tonight there was a pile of burning embers and the pile had vanished.
Across the road the kids have made a reasonable start to the painting. I also measured the windows as requested presumably for them to be replaced.
Susan cooked us all tea, although all was only 5 since Morphine and Fan fan have departed on their jaunt. We played celebrity heads and words and numbers after dinner which was a bit of fun.
Anyway it is 1130 and that's all i have time for so night folks.
Cheers Simon
PS The missing chicken appeared again today. At least I think it did. I am sure I counted 5 mid afternoon in the carpark. By lock up time there were only 4 so I am either going loopy (quite possible) or it has gone to do something else (sit on eggs?)
Susan despatched me to freshen up the house across the road with some new paint. Actually to provide guidance to Johnny and Lian in the task. There is always with a bit of trepidation on my part when helpexers are let loose with paint brushes. I have seen some of the past paint jobs here abd to say they were rough would be praising them.
I actually had a different task in mind as the sun was shining and a nice breeze blowing from the north ideal weather for burning a largish pile of tree cuttings, rounds and old timber stacked up. I set the fire off and it burned better than expected. By tonight there was a pile of burning embers and the pile had vanished.
Across the road the kids have made a reasonable start to the painting. I also measured the windows as requested presumably for them to be replaced.
Susan cooked us all tea, although all was only 5 since Morphine and Fan fan have departed on their jaunt. We played celebrity heads and words and numbers after dinner which was a bit of fun.
Anyway it is 1130 and that's all i have time for so night folks.
Cheers Simon
PS The missing chicken appeared again today. At least I think it did. I am sure I counted 5 mid afternoon in the carpark. By lock up time there were only 4 so I am either going loopy (quite possible) or it has gone to do something else (sit on eggs?)
Day 152 Nubeena Tuesday 28th June 2011
One winged Peregrine Falcon
Hi All,
After my first haircut in 6 months I am feeling a little chilly around the ears as I probably had a bit more off than I need. However after looking like a woolly aphid in recent weeks it is a definite improvement. There were a few surprised looks at the resort when the new me emerged. After lunch we adjourned to the Tasmanian Devil Park at Taranna with Morphine and Fanfan. We only found out today that for us this is a free entry so a few dollars saved. No doubt at some stage we will be scraping up devil poo as the quid pro quo.
I think the devils would have to be the most uncuddly furry animals on the face of the planet. They are horrendously bitey and aggressive towards each other and fill the air with hideous screams. I believe they have the highest jaw pressure of any mammal and to hear them crunching through the wallaby bones at feeding time you would believe it. It was quoted that large adults can break bones up to 8 cm thick. I don't know who or what has bones that big but it is an impressive fact. 80% of the population in Tasmanian has been destroyed by the facial tumour disease. The park is an important disease free sanctuary with around 22 specimens. There were other critters to be viewed however the most impressive was the bird display with parrots retrieving and returning coins from hands and a brown falcon flying between people's legs. It was an enjoyable afternoon although bloomin' cold.
We had community dinner again tonight. The centrepiece being a cottage pie cooked by Suzanne. Morphine and Fanfan head off for a holiday tomorrow for around 10 days so we are going to be light on for helpers in the project department for a while.
Speaking of Morphine he, at Fanfan's suggestion poked his finger into the talking corella's cage and got a good bite for his trouble. It was dressed at the front counter of the park with a bandaid. By the time he came to dinner he had a bandage more suitable for an amputation. Anyway we all had a good laugh at his expense!
Night all
Cheers Simon
Day 151 Nubeena Monday 27th June 2011
Hi All,
A day off! I restricted myself to testing and treating the pools, making up some new goat ropes and making safe a power point that disintegrated. Our room is now tidier. We had a community dinner tonight with just the 7 helpers as Ilan and Lynne are both away. Morphine and Fan Fan are holidaying for 10 days later in the week so we will be only 5. Should be able to cope since I think we have only one room per night so far.
We followed up the dinner by watching The Illusionist which everyone enjoyed. A miracle of sorts!
Tomorrow I have my first haircut in 6 months so I will be needing my woolly hat after. The rest of the day is as yet unplanned dependant on the weather.
Night folks
Cheers Simon
A day off! I restricted myself to testing and treating the pools, making up some new goat ropes and making safe a power point that disintegrated. Our room is now tidier. We had a community dinner tonight with just the 7 helpers as Ilan and Lynne are both away. Morphine and Fan Fan are holidaying for 10 days later in the week so we will be only 5. Should be able to cope since I think we have only one room per night so far.
We followed up the dinner by watching The Illusionist which everyone enjoyed. A miracle of sorts!
Tomorrow I have my first haircut in 6 months so I will be needing my woolly hat after. The rest of the day is as yet unplanned dependant on the weather.
Night folks
Cheers Simon
Day 150 Nubeena Sunday 26th June 2011
Hi All
A tired hello. Symposium day today and preparations went smoothly until I hooked up the Susan's Laptop to the Plasma. I thought foolishly an hour and a half would be plenty of time. To cut a long story short i tried the HDMI, the VGA connection and in desperation the data projector. All had problems, either you couldn't see the video or no sound. The worst part was when the laptop was connected via HDMI the display of what was on the lappy screen was great and included sound. Run the powerpoint and it all fell in a heap. Which is how we were 5 minutes after the official start time and it was still up S*#% Creek. Then when we selected HDMI output only, leaving the laptop screen black it worked. Just had to watch the mouse pointer on the screen. The rest of the symposium was good and i only missed a couple of clicks. Susan's presentation went over well and I thought it was better than the one we attended the other day although to be fair it was their first one too and Susan has had a lot of experience presenting. Anyway the day was completed with some more of the soup and scones and cake we had for afternoon tea. Ilan told us to take Monday and Tuesday off so we will use the opportunity to catch up on some of our stuff that needs doing. No doubt there will be some input here but we will try to keep it minimal.
Night folks
Cheers Simon
A tired hello. Symposium day today and preparations went smoothly until I hooked up the Susan's Laptop to the Plasma. I thought foolishly an hour and a half would be plenty of time. To cut a long story short i tried the HDMI, the VGA connection and in desperation the data projector. All had problems, either you couldn't see the video or no sound. The worst part was when the laptop was connected via HDMI the display of what was on the lappy screen was great and included sound. Run the powerpoint and it all fell in a heap. Which is how we were 5 minutes after the official start time and it was still up S*#% Creek. Then when we selected HDMI output only, leaving the laptop screen black it worked. Just had to watch the mouse pointer on the screen. The rest of the symposium was good and i only missed a couple of clicks. Susan's presentation went over well and I thought it was better than the one we attended the other day although to be fair it was their first one too and Susan has had a lot of experience presenting. Anyway the day was completed with some more of the soup and scones and cake we had for afternoon tea. Ilan told us to take Monday and Tuesday off so we will use the opportunity to catch up on some of our stuff that needs doing. No doubt there will be some input here but we will try to keep it minimal.
Night folks
Cheers Simon
Day 149 Nubeena Saturday 26th June 2011
Hi Folks,
An early start, well 5 to 7 and the transport of Steph and the girls to an airport under ash free skies. Everything went smoothly with even a random QANTAS employee passing by the Pajero stopping to help with the baggage.
The plane was soon heading skywards just after 10. They will be missed! It was great having them here.
I took the opportunity to to once again visit Harvey Norman this time a new Navman GPS for $96. Seems to work well and has 2 years free map updates included. My 2TB external drive was even cheaper today at $88. I had trouble resisting buying another but managed to.
Returning to the resort with some fresh bread for the drumming tonight I busied my self with some fairly inconsequential tasks while Susan finished working her 14 hour day. Actually it was longer since it is now 1 am and she is finishing of her rehearsal for the symposium she is running tomorrow.
Anyway better grab some shut eye since I have to advance the slides on the Powerpoint presentation while she lecture the multitudes tomorrow.
night folks
An early start, well 5 to 7 and the transport of Steph and the girls to an airport under ash free skies. Everything went smoothly with even a random QANTAS employee passing by the Pajero stopping to help with the baggage.
The plane was soon heading skywards just after 10. They will be missed! It was great having them here.
I took the opportunity to to once again visit Harvey Norman this time a new Navman GPS for $96. Seems to work well and has 2 years free map updates included. My 2TB external drive was even cheaper today at $88. I had trouble resisting buying another but managed to.
Returning to the resort with some fresh bread for the drumming tonight I busied my self with some fairly inconsequential tasks while Susan finished working her 14 hour day. Actually it was longer since it is now 1 am and she is finishing of her rehearsal for the symposium she is running tomorrow.
Anyway better grab some shut eye since I have to advance the slides on the Powerpoint presentation while she lecture the multitudes tomorrow.
night folks
Day 148 Nubeena Friday 25th June 2011
Elodie and Mael
The Group
Johnny and Abella
Hi Folks,
Todays task was driving Elodie and Mael to their new host in Hobart. This was accomplished with only a minor hiccup thanks to the GPS. On the way the water supply pump from the creek was dropped off for repair/inspection.
After a our good byes i lodged documents at land titles, picked up salts, my new boots and returned via Harvey Norman at Cambridge picking up sound system components and a stove extractor flue. You wouldn't want to be in a hurry if you were waiting for a wharehouse collection talk about slow. They also have these you beaut super size pallet trucks where the trays move down in an extremely clunky manner jarring the goods!
The usual route home through Sorell with a stop for petrol.
Bit of a flat day with the after effects of the gastro and other upheavals.
Susan took the opportunity to drive Abella, Arleigh and Steph to the Coal Mines, Lime bay and to Slopen Main before starting her shift.
Night Folks.
Day 147 Nubeena Thursday June 23rd 2011
Hi All,
A mostly sunny day with the main task the taking of promotional pictures of a refurbished unit. With three helpers on days off and two on decreased hours it was a day of keeping the wheels turning. Susan of course pushing herself beyond any expected standard. A nice break in the middle of the day to attend the cafe to sample coffee prepared by the barista in training. Steph's children brighten the winter days with the quirky habits that youngsters have. Again the highlight of the day was the community dinner aka the last supper since Mael and Elodie leave tomorrow. Elodie presented Susan with a portrait picture wrapped in kind words which was touching. There input will be sorely missed and I doubt that I will ever hear a laugh as unique as Elodie's ever again. It was another fun night with a lot of laughs. Suzanne had trouble composing herself when talking about Morphine's use of ice cubes when cooking and cooling noodles/pasta. The conversation flowed to many subjects once again broadening out view of the world. The last supper of a good group. Farewell until we meet again M & E.
night folks
cheers Simon
A mostly sunny day with the main task the taking of promotional pictures of a refurbished unit. With three helpers on days off and two on decreased hours it was a day of keeping the wheels turning. Susan of course pushing herself beyond any expected standard. A nice break in the middle of the day to attend the cafe to sample coffee prepared by the barista in training. Steph's children brighten the winter days with the quirky habits that youngsters have. Again the highlight of the day was the community dinner aka the last supper since Mael and Elodie leave tomorrow. Elodie presented Susan with a portrait picture wrapped in kind words which was touching. There input will be sorely missed and I doubt that I will ever hear a laugh as unique as Elodie's ever again. It was another fun night with a lot of laughs. Suzanne had trouble composing herself when talking about Morphine's use of ice cubes when cooking and cooling noodles/pasta. The conversation flowed to many subjects once again broadening out view of the world. The last supper of a good group. Farewell until we meet again M & E.
night folks
cheers Simon
Day 146 Nubeena Wednesday 22nd June 2011
Hi All,
Today was about making the best of things.
I spent the day feeling about 140 years old with a gastro complaint. Then we had the Chilean ash cloud that drifted to Tasmania. From the start of the day with all systems go for Steph's flight to 11am when the latest update on the Virgin site indicated all systems stop. This was confirmed just after lunch when Steph fronted the terminal and ended up rebooking her flight for 10am Saturday. We then proceeded to MONA for a bite of lunch which I declined. The girls went into the museum and I returned to the car to either sleep or surf the net. The Bigpond service wouldn't co-operate and then of course it started to rain with Steph's cases which should have been in the hold of a jetliner sitting on the roof rack. I hauled them inside one in the back and one in the passenger seat. For the return journey i put one in a bag lady zip up bag, left one in the back and strapped the pusher to the roof rack.
We arrived at Sorell to do the shopping and I shepherded Abella round the store keeping her out of mischief while Susan did the shopping.
We had Pizza at Heat in Sorell where Susan's smoked salmon pizza became a chicken one. It was remade with apologies and we got to keep the chicken one. It then started to rain and did so all of the way home and while we unpacked. The suitcase on removal from its bag/can lady bag looked remarkably dry. Perhaps i should have spent $6 on a couple of bags rather than $350 on the hugely under performing Rhino roof bag.
I am feeling a bit more chipper now after snoozing in the car on the way home (Susan drove).
We were greeted by Mael on our return with a request for transport to Hobart at the end of the week as their stay here has been curtailed by Ilan. Looks like I get to do a bit of driving Friday and Saturday. The manner of their departure wasn't a nice way to finish the day. I have always said we will know when it is time to move on. Maybe the doomsday clock has moved closer to midnight.
Hopefully my new boots will have arrived at Mountain Designs in Hobart from Sydney and I can pick them up on Saturday. The only pair of size 46 Baltoros in the country.
Time to take my aching guts to bed
Cheers Simon
PS on a brighter note the videos for the drumming back on day 142 have finally uploaded!
Today was about making the best of things.
I spent the day feeling about 140 years old with a gastro complaint. Then we had the Chilean ash cloud that drifted to Tasmania. From the start of the day with all systems go for Steph's flight to 11am when the latest update on the Virgin site indicated all systems stop. This was confirmed just after lunch when Steph fronted the terminal and ended up rebooking her flight for 10am Saturday. We then proceeded to MONA for a bite of lunch which I declined. The girls went into the museum and I returned to the car to either sleep or surf the net. The Bigpond service wouldn't co-operate and then of course it started to rain with Steph's cases which should have been in the hold of a jetliner sitting on the roof rack. I hauled them inside one in the back and one in the passenger seat. For the return journey i put one in a bag lady zip up bag, left one in the back and strapped the pusher to the roof rack.
We arrived at Sorell to do the shopping and I shepherded Abella round the store keeping her out of mischief while Susan did the shopping.
We had Pizza at Heat in Sorell where Susan's smoked salmon pizza became a chicken one. It was remade with apologies and we got to keep the chicken one. It then started to rain and did so all of the way home and while we unpacked. The suitcase on removal from its bag/can lady bag looked remarkably dry. Perhaps i should have spent $6 on a couple of bags rather than $350 on the hugely under performing Rhino roof bag.
I am feeling a bit more chipper now after snoozing in the car on the way home (Susan drove).
We were greeted by Mael on our return with a request for transport to Hobart at the end of the week as their stay here has been curtailed by Ilan. Looks like I get to do a bit of driving Friday and Saturday. The manner of their departure wasn't a nice way to finish the day. I have always said we will know when it is time to move on. Maybe the doomsday clock has moved closer to midnight.
Hopefully my new boots will have arrived at Mountain Designs in Hobart from Sydney and I can pick them up on Saturday. The only pair of size 46 Baltoros in the country.
Time to take my aching guts to bed
Cheers Simon
PS on a brighter note the videos for the drumming back on day 142 have finally uploaded!
Day 145 Nubeena Tuesday 21st June 2011
Hi world,
Solstice day here today and everywhere else in the world for that matter. Today was spent mainly preparing for the Solstice "party" in the shed. Whilst numbers were lower than expected it was a good evening with a Solstice dance/song routine composed by Kate. The food as usual was excellent as was the wine. There were a couple of bottles of home made material an elderberry which was sweeter and fortified with brandy spirit giving it a port like taste and a 9 year old cherry wine that the maker admitted might be past it's peak. There will be some pictures to follow so stay tuned. A correction from yesterday. Steph's last full day is today fingers crossed for the 6pm flight tomorrow although I am sure Susan would shed few tears if it was delayed.
We seem to have totally missed the high wind event and rain that swept through SA and Victoria and the forecast for the week looks fine.
Night all
cheers Simon
Day 144 Nubeena Monday June 20th 2011
Hi All,
Feeling a bit full after a nice pork and veggie roast followed by sticky date pudding for community dinner. Of course several glasses of wine helped too! The pork roast started off in our oven and our room was soon filled with smoke so Susan transferred it to unit 4. The sooner our community kitchen is up and running the better!
I finally managed to get the shipping container tidied up today. It has only taken x months where x is a large number. Todays tasks were centred on preparing for an event in the barn tomorrow night to celebrate the winter solstice. I don't know that these sort of pagan celebrations are things a good C of E boy should attend but there is food, drink and a fire involved so what's the harm?
It is surprising how fast you go through wood when you are lighting the combustion heater fairly often. We seemed to have a large supply here but it has dwindled very quickly over recent weeks. We do have a large number of tree rounds but they are large and have been sitting on the ground getting very wet and rotting. We stacked them up yesterday so hopefully they will dry and crack to enable us to use the log splitter on them.
Phoebe (goat) jumped the pen fence twice today and demonstrated her sprinting skills. We may have to start tethering her at night.
It is the last full day of Arleigh, Abella and Steph tomorrow. It has been a great joy to have them here. It was remarked tonight they have added to the energy of the place.
Looks like the weather is going to be robust tomorrow so hopefully it doesn't spoil the shortest day.
Tired .. night folks
Feeling a bit full after a nice pork and veggie roast followed by sticky date pudding for community dinner. Of course several glasses of wine helped too! The pork roast started off in our oven and our room was soon filled with smoke so Susan transferred it to unit 4. The sooner our community kitchen is up and running the better!
I finally managed to get the shipping container tidied up today. It has only taken x months where x is a large number. Todays tasks were centred on preparing for an event in the barn tomorrow night to celebrate the winter solstice. I don't know that these sort of pagan celebrations are things a good C of E boy should attend but there is food, drink and a fire involved so what's the harm?
It is surprising how fast you go through wood when you are lighting the combustion heater fairly often. We seemed to have a large supply here but it has dwindled very quickly over recent weeks. We do have a large number of tree rounds but they are large and have been sitting on the ground getting very wet and rotting. We stacked them up yesterday so hopefully they will dry and crack to enable us to use the log splitter on them.
Phoebe (goat) jumped the pen fence twice today and demonstrated her sprinting skills. We may have to start tethering her at night.
It is the last full day of Arleigh, Abella and Steph tomorrow. It has been a great joy to have them here. It was remarked tonight they have added to the energy of the place.
Looks like the weather is going to be robust tomorrow so hopefully it doesn't spoil the shortest day.
Tired .. night folks
Day 143 Nubeena Sunday 19th June 2011
Hi All,
Wish I could show you the videos from last night but blogspot is being unco-operative!
Today was a busy busy working day at the Resort and i don't propose to go into the minutiae of the day. We had tea with Steph in the resort cafe. The meal was of good quality and good value. Susan then took care of the girls while Steph did the ghost tour at Port Arthur with her friend from Hobart. I spent the evening producing the drumming videos, repairing cordless drill chargers and typing blogs.
I can't believe Steph goes home Wednesday it seems like she has only been there 5 minutes instead of a week already.
Anyway it's nearly midnight again
good night all!
Wish I could show you the videos from last night but blogspot is being unco-operative!
Today was a busy busy working day at the Resort and i don't propose to go into the minutiae of the day. We had tea with Steph in the resort cafe. The meal was of good quality and good value. Susan then took care of the girls while Steph did the ghost tour at Port Arthur with her friend from Hobart. I spent the evening producing the drumming videos, repairing cordless drill chargers and typing blogs.
I can't believe Steph goes home Wednesday it seems like she has only been there 5 minutes instead of a week already.
Anyway it's nearly midnight again
good night all!
Day 142 Nubeena Saturday 18th June 2011
The Resort's littleist drummer
Ho Folks,
Sorry for the delay, too much to do in too little time. Steph, the girls and I drove to Hobart today so that Steph could meet up with a Tassie friend and go to the Salamanca markets. The first surprise was I was able to get a park at a meter within 50 metres of the market entry point. This meant a slight change of plan as I was then able to attend the market and buy some goodies. To whit some House of Tasmania fudge, a pack of wool socks and some sprouted rye bread for Ilan. I then walked into the town centre for the dance of the new boots. Where one returns the boots that are a size too small and then dances around every outdoors shop in and around Elizabeth Street in a fruitless attempt to get what I want, Zamberlan Baltoros in size 46! I walked back to the car and after lunch at the bratwurst sausage stall drove out to Derwent Valley to pick up some electronic bits and pieces at Jaycar. It was then on to the chore of food shopping at Woolworths, Newtown. A strange split level store where you have to use a gold coin to unlock the trolley. Back to town. pick up the precious cargo and then out to Sorell for a coffee, fuel and vegetables. The children slept peacefully as we trundled back to The Resort where the drumming session was well under way and had broken for tea. Tea was a great pumpkin soup made by Mael and cakes by Elodie. The drumming evening was enjoyed by all and some videos and pictures are attached.
Night Folks
Cheers Simon
Day 141 Nubeena Friday 17th June 2011
Hi Folks,
A long day at the ranch with construction of the goat bunker, mowing of the back paddock and repair and tidying of the screen trees. The day started with a doh moment with one of the brake lights on the newly rebuilt trailer wiring not working. Looks like a fault in the cable so another job for Sunday after my day off tomorrow.
Susan, Steph and the girls headed up the road and spent the day visiting local beauty spots and second hand shops. When they returned the sight of Arleigh jumping in the jolly jumper was hilarious. I feel a video coming on.
That was the story of the day. Tomorrow Hobart with Steph! Might get me some retail therapy ;-)
night folks
Cheers Simon
A long day at the ranch with construction of the goat bunker, mowing of the back paddock and repair and tidying of the screen trees. The day started with a doh moment with one of the brake lights on the newly rebuilt trailer wiring not working. Looks like a fault in the cable so another job for Sunday after my day off tomorrow.
Susan, Steph and the girls headed up the road and spent the day visiting local beauty spots and second hand shops. When they returned the sight of Arleigh jumping in the jolly jumper was hilarious. I feel a video coming on.
That was the story of the day. Tomorrow Hobart with Steph! Might get me some retail therapy ;-)
night folks
Cheers Simon
Day 140 Nubeena Thursday 16th June 2011
3 trouble makers
Get down off of there!
Car repairs
Hi folks,
Just your average day in the country today. I awoke in the early hours of the morning with Susan sitting up in bed typing on her laptop. She had decided to work on her presentation for the symposium on the 26th. I explained high and low pressure weather patterns to Mo and Fan-fan plus showed them how to apply and finish silicone to their leaking rear car window. Made a very basic start to the goat house to be constructed from sand bags the highlight being when I turned around and Ella was standing on top of the bags in the barrow.
We had a nice community dinner with its accompanying laughs and merriment. Steph got to see the attraction of and participate in the spirit of community that this place holds. A community of helpXers and prospective residents of the village. The shed has become our dinner place and people are enjoying the ambiance not withstanding that it needs a kitchen and some insulation to make it better.
To top it all the spa repair was successful so I celebrated with two visits one after I arose to verify the repair and the other before tea.
Susan is off tomorrow and is travelling the countryside with Steph. I will be off on Saturday and will take her and the girls to Hobart for a days outing.
Anyway it is late again So night night All.
Cheers Simon
PS Susan found her camera under the reception desk.
Day 139 Nubeena Wednesday 15th June 2011
Abella riding in "Georgette"
Hi All,
Today was was as prophesied yesterday. Although to be fair i did get to do some stuff for us this morning to wit fitting new wiper blades and applying RainX to the windscreen, exciting huh?. After the troops has emptied the sandbags from the trailer I replaced the plug, the lights and repaired some frayed cable. Sounds easy when you type it like that. Anyway it's done and looks to be working ok. The dew started falling heavily before the sun had disappeared leaving the scattered tools, tool boxes and the windscreen in side the Paj covered in moisture. The tools are now sitting behind me drying out. It got cool rather quickly, though not like last night at Liawenee in the Central highlands where it was -8.7! On the news tonight the best start to the snow season in 40 years on Ben Lomond was reported. However the days are sunny even if the nights are cold! At least tomorrow the spa should hopefully be nice and warm as I fitted the relays which arrived by courier late this afternoon to the heater. Steph is now residing 2 doors down in a 2 bedroom apartment with two large heaters which make the rooms quite cosy. Today's highlight was Arleigh jumping in the jolly jumper so hard that the ropes were going slack at the top of her jump. I have been running the energy monitor on our heater. 86 kWh since last Friday at 9pm which is not to be sneezed at!
Susan is starting to prepare her presentation for the "Changing the Dream" seminar here on the 26th. I don't know how she is going to find time to do it. Her camera has been missing for a week so we are hoping that it is tucked on a shelf here somewhere and has not disappeared into someone's pocket. Will have a good search tomorrow. Tonight's pictures show the full or almost full moon rising over the trees to the east.
Catch you tomorrow.
cheers Simon
Day 138 Nubeena Tuesday 14th June 2011
Lian swinging the hammer
Trouble with a capital T
Apologies for the picture quality ... phone cam
Hi folks,
I can't say what happened at the Resort today, not because it was too terrible but because i wasn't here for most of the day. Mael, Elodie. Lian and myself journeyed up the back road to Henry's property to plant seedlings. Something I have not done for a fair while due to our travels. The property has a good view and a new under construction portable house. The planting went pretty smoothly although the first batch was a bit difficult due to the rocky ground. We had a charcoaled sausage for lunch after the grill dropped a bit close to the fire. I think all up we planted about 150 trees. They don't use the rigid tree guards we use back home which only require one stake. The ones here being from a plastic film require 3 which means a lot more hammering per tree. Henry also used a weed mat material that resembled thick sacking.
We returned around 430 and after animal and pool chores, a bit to eat and a much needed back up of the laptop I settled down to build one cordless drill battery pack from 2 non working ones. I had just enough good nicad cells and after a bit of soldering the job was finished successfully with one cell to spare. Given that a lot of the dud cells were leaking I don't know how long the repack will last, probably about 5 minutes.
I had another of my crazy impromptu conversations with Morphine and Fan-fan tonight, which started off with me explaining why I had a cordless drill and battery charger in my hand and after many convoluted turns ended up with the revelation that Australian milk gives Morphine diarrhoea! The conversation reminded me of those word puzzles where you start with one word and by changing one letter at a time after x steps end up with another word with all the words in between being totally unconnected.
I am rostered to start at one tomorrow, to which I am thinking fat chance, unless I actually leave the premises and go incommunicado! Once the relays arrive for the pool heater the heat will be one to get them installed and it up and running. There is also the small matter of rewiring the trailer which needs to be emptied of about x kilograms of sand bags where x is a large number!
night folks
Cheers Simon
Day 137 Nubeena Monday 13th June 2011
Fried 30 amp relay from the pool heater
Fried Clipsal timer
Good evening viewers,
A day of much industry today. Above average number of check outs due to the long weekend and lot's of jobs to do. The day was sunny after a start with sheets of ice on cars in the western side of the compound.
My phrase of the day was "electro mechanical fusion". Starting with a non functioning Clipsal timer and ending with the switching relay in the spa heater. Unfortunately there was no spare for the spa so that is out of commission until until we can get a replacement.
We had community dinner tonight with all helpers plus guests being prospective block buyers and Steph and Abella. I cooked the trevally fillets on the bbq and they turned out surprisingly well. We normally buy 8kg boxes locally but these were from PFD and were totally deboned and skinned and cheaper methinks. It was a good night in the shed with the combustion heater roaring away, lots of laughs and much wine consumed of course.
Tomorrow I am told I am tree planting at Henry's place with some of our helpers. Makes up for not having done any with COOTS this year.
The ash cloud from the Chiliean volcano gave us a nice red sunset last night but appears less pronounced tonight. Some nice pictures here.
Anyway I am tired from white wine and a lot of food so shut eye time.
Cheers Simon
PS happy birthday to our head of state and thanks for the holiday marm!
Day 136 Nubeena Sunday 13th June 2011
Hi All,
We drove from Hobart to Nubeena today with Steph and the girls stopping at Sorell to do the shopping. Before we left the park it was suggested I take Abella for a walk to see the "ducks" Funnily enough we did see some ducks in a puddle out the back. The rest of the day back at the resort was pretty standard fare. I am tired so this is a shirt blog tonight. Night folks
cheers Simon
We drove from Hobart to Nubeena today with Steph and the girls stopping at Sorell to do the shopping. Before we left the park it was suggested I take Abella for a walk to see the "ducks" Funnily enough we did see some ducks in a puddle out the back. The rest of the day back at the resort was pretty standard fare. I am tired so this is a shirt blog tonight. Night folks
cheers Simon
Day 135 Hobart Saturday 11th June 2011
Hello from the airport caravan park at Hobart. The 5 of us are ensconced in a nice warm modern cabin. We awoke this morning to fairly constant rain. After housekeeping duties we headed towards Hobart. First stop was Anaconda at Cambridge to pick up a stuff bag and a singlet before heading to Mountain Designs in Hobart for a marathon session trying and eventually buying hiking boots for both of us. Next stop, a curried duck and rice lunch at a Japanese eating/tea house establishment. We then proceeded to our symposium the subject matter you would know all about had Susan got around to typing up the details of the training she had the other week end to be a facilitator. Stay tuned! From the symposium we journeyed to Heat at Sorell to have a pizza tea. Susan thought it was cooked in an electric oven since they though it was a takeaway rather than the wood oven and it wasn't as nice as last weeks.
We drove to the airport for 9 o'clock and the highlight of the day picking up Steph and the two little girls. All went smoothly. The car seats installed and the children packed in. The cases were enormous and one ended up on the roof rack. Tomorrow since we must shop for the resort on the way they will both be on the roof (the cases not the children)in garbage bags.
Tired tired tired after a long day,
night folks
Cheers Simon
We drove to the airport for 9 o'clock and the highlight of the day picking up Steph and the two little girls. All went smoothly. The car seats installed and the children packed in. The cases were enormous and one ended up on the roof rack. Tomorrow since we must shop for the resort on the way they will both be on the roof (the cases not the children)in garbage bags.
Tired tired tired after a long day,
night folks
Cheers Simon
Day 134 Nubeena Friday 10th June 2011
Hi Folks,
The weather is trying to improve here but is struggling.
Today's highlights were installing a ceiling fan in the barn and swinging the new 4kg block splitter into some of the wood logs laying down the back. I managed to produce 2 wheelbarrows of splits without destroying my back. Johnny our newest arrival escaped reception and continued on with the splitting with Morphine trundling the wood up in a barrow to the barn. Morphine had trouble even lifting the tool let alone swinging it over his head. I chopped more wood with the chainsaw this afternoon and that was about the day apart from the normal running around. Tomorrow we are off and off to Hobart for shopping and a seminar in the afternoon. The big highlight will be picking Stephanie and the girls up at the airport at 930.
Bedtime here night folks.
The weather is trying to improve here but is struggling.
Today's highlights were installing a ceiling fan in the barn and swinging the new 4kg block splitter into some of the wood logs laying down the back. I managed to produce 2 wheelbarrows of splits without destroying my back. Johnny our newest arrival escaped reception and continued on with the splitting with Morphine trundling the wood up in a barrow to the barn. Morphine had trouble even lifting the tool let alone swinging it over his head. I chopped more wood with the chainsaw this afternoon and that was about the day apart from the normal running around. Tomorrow we are off and off to Hobart for shopping and a seminar in the afternoon. The big highlight will be picking Stephanie and the girls up at the airport at 930.
Bedtime here night folks.
Day 134 Nubeena Thursday 9th June 2011
Hi All,
Awakened at 6 by the duelling telephone alarms. By 630 I was on the road to Sorell for the dentist, arriving on time for my 740 appointment. The dentist Roger Puckridge turned out to be a Port Power supporter so obviously a great understanding of pain. An hour in the chair and three teeth competently repaired for a pretty good price. It was interesting in the coffee shop afterwards trying to contain the coffee within the vessel of my mouth with a numb lip. My teeth now feel good so $500 well spent.
The rest of the day was spent purchasing items for the resort and myself.
After returning to the resort and catching up on the days events I did a few small chores whilst awaiting the community tea.
The tea was great with nice salad, curry and dessert prepared by Mael, Elodie and Lian. Once again a lot of laughs. Morphine and Fanfan's english is good when it comes to telling funny stories about their day and tonight's was no different.
Today was a bit drier than yesterday only around 25mm of rain to go with the 100 plus from yesterday. Hopefully a rain free day tomorrow as we have some catching up to do outside.
Anyway bedtime here
night folks
Awakened at 6 by the duelling telephone alarms. By 630 I was on the road to Sorell for the dentist, arriving on time for my 740 appointment. The dentist Roger Puckridge turned out to be a Port Power supporter so obviously a great understanding of pain. An hour in the chair and three teeth competently repaired for a pretty good price. It was interesting in the coffee shop afterwards trying to contain the coffee within the vessel of my mouth with a numb lip. My teeth now feel good so $500 well spent.
The rest of the day was spent purchasing items for the resort and myself.
After returning to the resort and catching up on the days events I did a few small chores whilst awaiting the community tea.
The tea was great with nice salad, curry and dessert prepared by Mael, Elodie and Lian. Once again a lot of laughs. Morphine and Fanfan's english is good when it comes to telling funny stories about their day and tonight's was no different.
Today was a bit drier than yesterday only around 25mm of rain to go with the 100 plus from yesterday. Hopefully a rain free day tomorrow as we have some catching up to do outside.
Anyway bedtime here
night folks
Day 133 Nubeena Wednesday 8th June 2011
Hi Folks,
Just putting the finishing touches to the ark because the way it is raining here we are going to need it. By my reckoning we have had around 100mm of rain since it started raining yesterday evening. Needless to say it has made the day very difficult even just moving from one room to another. I have spent the whole day in my water proof gear.
I am currently sitting in the barn in front of the wood heater with its door open and gentle aroma of burning wood floating out. The Beatles Anthology plays on the big screen.
Sucklings Creek down in the gully, which has featured in earlier blog, is in full flood and features in tonight's video.
Bye for now!
Cheers Simon
Just putting the finishing touches to the ark because the way it is raining here we are going to need it. By my reckoning we have had around 100mm of rain since it started raining yesterday evening. Needless to say it has made the day very difficult even just moving from one room to another. I have spent the whole day in my water proof gear.
I am currently sitting in the barn in front of the wood heater with its door open and gentle aroma of burning wood floating out. The Beatles Anthology plays on the big screen.
Sucklings Creek down in the gully, which has featured in earlier blog, is in full flood and features in tonight's video.
Bye for now!
Cheers Simon
Day 132 Nubeena Tuesday June 7th 2011
Disassembled filter ready to be refilled
That's what is inside. Just need to keep the inlet in the middle and make sure the new sand doesn't go down the tube. I used gladwrap.
The old sand
Dear All,
Tonight's blog is typed at the early hour of 940 mainly because when I type it later I forget things. Take yesterdays for example, Thing number 1. Susan was up early and went to the spa. I lay in bed until it popped into my head that I should check something in the barn from last night. I wandered past the spa door did my check and popped into the spa/pool room on my way back. Susan was nowhere to be seen and the cover was on the spa and the pool. This is not unusual as in the past she has been sidetracked before she gets there and I have arrived to find her not there. However it was a bit odd since her towel and gown were there. "Hmm" I thought maybe in the sauna and turned to open that door and calling "honey". As I open the door the lid of the spa flew back and a red head laughing uproariously appeared from underneath. Very funny! I laughed as this is exactly my sort of humour!!. Thing number 2 was that our chickens after 4 months finally laid 2 eggs yesterday in a gravel bed adjacent the shed. They cackled in a totally different way and so funnily enough did the rooster. Susan dashed around like Paul Revere spreading the news. It's a start. I figure with the cost of their housing and food so far each egg is worth a $100!
Moving on to today. It was time to try and change the sand in the spa filter. Following the instructions and using the tool supplied by the pool shop it went off with out a hitch. Well almost, for some reason the heater didn't click in and when i went for my spa at 7 it was bloody cold. A bit of a fiddle and it seemed to be working so we will see in the morning. The old filter media had a bit of gunge(that's a technical term) in it including some longer fibres that looked like mop strands but overall didn't look too bad so whether the cloudiness improves we will have to wait and see. I used the opportunity in start teaching Johnny the ropes in the pool area room since he was helping with the sand. He looks like he is going to be pretty useful so of course Susan is going to steal him away to reception.
The weather forecast was spot on with the promised afternnon showers arriving quite heavy at times. Tomorrow the forecast is rain, heavy at times, with cold air and strong winds. Great. A crew of 4 men ready to do battle with machinery against the jungle and we will probably be inside sewing curtains or something similar!
Anyway i don't think i have forgotten anything tonight. Night Folks!
PS if you have the need to batch resize of image files for blogging or Facebook or whatever try Faststone Photo Resizer. Excellent tool and it's free!
Day 131 Nubeena Monday 6th June 2011
Hi All,
Another bleary eyed late night blog.
Cutting to the days main event. I went to my first new dentist in about 20 years at Sorell. Most impressed. A quote that was reasonable and a 730 appointment on Thursday morning, which will mean arising at 0 dark hundred hours to get the whole lot fixed in one go.
I then travelled to Hobart to purchase some bargain hiking boots which didn't eventuate since they didn't have my size. I did however buy a wind blocking jacket as a result of the wind chill piercing my current clothing this morning.
A resort purchase was bags of filter sand from the pool shop plus a loan of their filter undoing tool as tomorrow we are going to attempt to change the sand in the filter. It will be a doddle if and it is a big IF we can get the lid off! A side story was a locksmithing team was in attendance at the shop installing a new safe to replace the old one crowbarred open on the weekend with a considerable amount of cash stolen. The construction of said burgled safe reminded me of a refrigerator!
I picked up our new helper John and we returned to Parsons Bay. We had a community tea tonight in the barn with food prepared in three different units. A nice meal and a great many laughs. We have a great group of helpers at the moment and it makes life a lot of fun.
Anyway bedtime here. Cya tomorrow!
cheers Simon
Another bleary eyed late night blog.
Cutting to the days main event. I went to my first new dentist in about 20 years at Sorell. Most impressed. A quote that was reasonable and a 730 appointment on Thursday morning, which will mean arising at 0 dark hundred hours to get the whole lot fixed in one go.
I then travelled to Hobart to purchase some bargain hiking boots which didn't eventuate since they didn't have my size. I did however buy a wind blocking jacket as a result of the wind chill piercing my current clothing this morning.
A resort purchase was bags of filter sand from the pool shop plus a loan of their filter undoing tool as tomorrow we are going to attempt to change the sand in the filter. It will be a doddle if and it is a big IF we can get the lid off! A side story was a locksmithing team was in attendance at the shop installing a new safe to replace the old one crowbarred open on the weekend with a considerable amount of cash stolen. The construction of said burgled safe reminded me of a refrigerator!
I picked up our new helper John and we returned to Parsons Bay. We had a community tea tonight in the barn with food prepared in three different units. A nice meal and a great many laughs. We have a great group of helpers at the moment and it makes life a lot of fun.
Anyway bedtime here. Cya tomorrow!
cheers Simon
Day 130 Nubeena Sunday June 5th 2011
Looking from the back corner
Ex blackberries at the fallen tree
Looking down the hill
Now that is a carrot (from our garden)
Evenin' All,
Quiet day today. Did a few repair jobs and other odds and end before the rain and wind swept in putting the kybosh on the outside work.
I did a short stint of towel folding in the laundry before a spa and a bite of some very ordinary curry I made for tea. After tea it was Doctor Who time in front of the combustion fire.
The pictures tonight are of the clean up that has been ongoing. Unfortunately without some before shots to show the difference.
Anyway that's it for today.
Cheers Simon
PS click on a picture for a larger view
Day 129 Nubeena Saturday 4th June 2011
Hi All,
First off I remembered the story from yesterday. I was downstairs in the new pantry area with Morphine standing at the open fridge door. Pointing to the cracked liner I said "Did you do that?" Immediately and looking startled he blurted out "No" I told him he looked very guilty and that it was better to pause and calmly say no. Later in the day we were moving the fridge from the kitchen and underneath were a dozen broken dessicated eggs. I turned to him and said, "Did you do that?" Whereupon he paused and calmly said "No" with a hint of a smile in his voice. After we both laughed I explained that in best Australian workplace practice he should immediately blame someone who was not here i.e. a helper who had left. "Say Nik did this" We were amused! No doubt he will be horrified on the day he leaves and I tell him all the things he will be blamed for!
Back to the more mundane. We were down the creek today clearing more of the overgrowth with the previously mentioned piece of machinery known as the Deutscher, which is an overgrown self propelled rotary lawnmower with a 10hp Honda engine. It just keeps going through the undergrowth and is a very handy drop of gear. Mael used it mainly today while I spent a couple of hours on the brushcutter, which explains why I am crippled with thigh cramps at the moment. The end result looked excellent I shall take some pictures tomorrow.
We had another community tea tonight prepared by Mael and Elodie in their unit. Good food once again and accompanied by wine and a lot of laughs.
We then adjourned to the barn to watch a movie in front of the wood stove. As I type this it is 1207 Susan is asleep and I shall be in bed shortly. A longish day but another good one.
Night Folks
First off I remembered the story from yesterday. I was downstairs in the new pantry area with Morphine standing at the open fridge door. Pointing to the cracked liner I said "Did you do that?" Immediately and looking startled he blurted out "No" I told him he looked very guilty and that it was better to pause and calmly say no. Later in the day we were moving the fridge from the kitchen and underneath were a dozen broken dessicated eggs. I turned to him and said, "Did you do that?" Whereupon he paused and calmly said "No" with a hint of a smile in his voice. After we both laughed I explained that in best Australian workplace practice he should immediately blame someone who was not here i.e. a helper who had left. "Say Nik did this" We were amused! No doubt he will be horrified on the day he leaves and I tell him all the things he will be blamed for!
Back to the more mundane. We were down the creek today clearing more of the overgrowth with the previously mentioned piece of machinery known as the Deutscher, which is an overgrown self propelled rotary lawnmower with a 10hp Honda engine. It just keeps going through the undergrowth and is a very handy drop of gear. Mael used it mainly today while I spent a couple of hours on the brushcutter, which explains why I am crippled with thigh cramps at the moment. The end result looked excellent I shall take some pictures tomorrow.
We had another community tea tonight prepared by Mael and Elodie in their unit. Good food once again and accompanied by wine and a lot of laughs.
We then adjourned to the barn to watch a movie in front of the wood stove. As I type this it is 1207 Susan is asleep and I shall be in bed shortly. A longish day but another good one.
Night Folks
Day 128 Nubeena Friday 3rd June 2011
Hi Folks,
With a lot of effort on Susan's behalf and that of our helpers the cafe and kitchen was cleaned and emptied and was ready to go tonight for the opening. There were drinks and snack foods and a good number of guests a promising start for Phil and Amanda.
Elsewhere the spa seems to be under control, the water clearing and a malfunctioning pressure gauge repaired. In the repair stakes I also managed to fix the leaking
pick up from the rain water tank to the pump that supplies the pool. A satisfying day task wise. Later in the afternoon i strolled around the creek checking out what the boys achieved yesterday, which was a fair bit. We will continue tomorrow weather permitting and at this stage it looks ok. Sunday and Monday might be a bit fierce though.
We had a leftover half rump that I sliced into steaks for tea and BBQ'd along with onions and potato's. The steaks were excellent. We ate in unit 9 the home of Mael, Elodie and Lian. Preparing food without the use of the cafe kitchen will take some getting used to. We really need to have a communal kitchen/eating area and will have to wait and see what happens.
That's all folks. Although I do have a nagging thought that I have forgotten a funny story!
night Simon
With a lot of effort on Susan's behalf and that of our helpers the cafe and kitchen was cleaned and emptied and was ready to go tonight for the opening. There were drinks and snack foods and a good number of guests a promising start for Phil and Amanda.
Elsewhere the spa seems to be under control, the water clearing and a malfunctioning pressure gauge repaired. In the repair stakes I also managed to fix the leaking
pick up from the rain water tank to the pump that supplies the pool. A satisfying day task wise. Later in the afternoon i strolled around the creek checking out what the boys achieved yesterday, which was a fair bit. We will continue tomorrow weather permitting and at this stage it looks ok. Sunday and Monday might be a bit fierce though.
We had a leftover half rump that I sliced into steaks for tea and BBQ'd along with onions and potato's. The steaks were excellent. We ate in unit 9 the home of Mael, Elodie and Lian. Preparing food without the use of the cafe kitchen will take some getting used to. We really need to have a communal kitchen/eating area and will have to wait and see what happens.
That's all folks. Although I do have a nagging thought that I have forgotten a funny story!
night Simon
Day 127 Nubeena Friday 2nd of June 2011
Hi Folks,
Our day off today and a belated exit from the resort due to last minute hitches. We finally left at 1045. Susan had for the first time in a while splashed on some make up causing fan fan to remark her eyes looked like toys. She meant dolls eyes.
Our first stop was the chocolate factory at Taranna for some treats, followed by the fruit & veg market at Sorell since it closes at 6pm. On to Cambridge and Harvey Norman where we exchanged our slightly malfunctioning coffee machine for a complete new one even though we had been using this for nearly a month. A bit of a wait at the loading dock meant my trip to Hobart for some more discount boots was canned and we drove straight to Oatlands. The town is ancient by Australian standards dating back to the 1820's. It boasts the only functioning windmill for producing flour in the southern hemisphere. The main street is of historic appearance although with the state of desertion evident today it looked a little bit spooky. We had lunch at the cafe of the Casaveen Woolshop. The cafe was good food and very reasonable priced . The wool shop was expensive. Susan bought a scarf with a voucher she won while attending the cheesemaking course some months ago.
After that while i wandered the streets Susan ventured to a retro shop and bought an outfit for her grand daughter. We departed and headed back to Sorell to purchase food,fuel and beer. A phone call to the resort indicated there was no community dinner so we had delicious wood fired pizzas at Heat in Sorell. There were a couple of the best pizzas we have had in a long long time!
We returned to the resort to find they did have a dinner.
The spa was looking a lot better than this morning so we both had one before retiring to our room.
It's windy as buggery here tonight so looks like rain and wind tomorrow. No guests in which is just as well as there is a lot to do to get the cafe ready for the new operators tomorrow.
night folks
Cheers Simon
Our day off today and a belated exit from the resort due to last minute hitches. We finally left at 1045. Susan had for the first time in a while splashed on some make up causing fan fan to remark her eyes looked like toys. She meant dolls eyes.
Our first stop was the chocolate factory at Taranna for some treats, followed by the fruit & veg market at Sorell since it closes at 6pm. On to Cambridge and Harvey Norman where we exchanged our slightly malfunctioning coffee machine for a complete new one even though we had been using this for nearly a month. A bit of a wait at the loading dock meant my trip to Hobart for some more discount boots was canned and we drove straight to Oatlands. The town is ancient by Australian standards dating back to the 1820's. It boasts the only functioning windmill for producing flour in the southern hemisphere. The main street is of historic appearance although with the state of desertion evident today it looked a little bit spooky. We had lunch at the cafe of the Casaveen Woolshop. The cafe was good food and very reasonable priced . The wool shop was expensive. Susan bought a scarf with a voucher she won while attending the cheesemaking course some months ago.
After that while i wandered the streets Susan ventured to a retro shop and bought an outfit for her grand daughter. We departed and headed back to Sorell to purchase food,fuel and beer. A phone call to the resort indicated there was no community dinner so we had delicious wood fired pizzas at Heat in Sorell. There were a couple of the best pizzas we have had in a long long time!
We returned to the resort to find they did have a dinner.
The spa was looking a lot better than this morning so we both had one before retiring to our room.
It's windy as buggery here tonight so looks like rain and wind tomorrow. No guests in which is just as well as there is a lot to do to get the cafe ready for the new operators tomorrow.
night folks
Cheers Simon
Day 126 Nubeena Wednesday 1st June 2011
Hi Folks,
First day of winter and a glorious sunny day. To get an idea of the temperatures here I have installed a max/min thermometer outside the door. When I say installed it's hanging on a piece of string from the unit number. Anyway last night the minimum was 3 and today the maximum was around 19 ignoring the silly numbers generated early in the day when the sun was directly on it.
The day was uneventful until this evening when I went to the spa. It was 'orrible and cloudy. An hour and a half later I did have a spa after skimming a heap of foam off, adding a slug dose of chlorine and some "Pool Kleer". Will leave it on overnight and be interested to see what it looks like tomorrow.
Today's amusement occurred when I was up on the roof cleaning the gutter. I meandered over to the kitchen extraction fan as I never checked it's power use when I was doing the energy survey. Peering over the edge of the flue I could hear the voices of the girls working in the kitchen quite clearly. I laughed maniacally into the flue until they heard me. "This is god speaking" I boomed. They did not believe me as they had seen me up on the roof earlier otherwise I might have carried it off. "God can we have the rest of the day off?" requested the voices floating up the flue. "I'm sorry I replied you will have to ask Susan she tells god what to do." This was followed by much laughter.
The second amusement was late in the afternoon when I was sitting talking to our helper from Taiwan Fan Fan or to give her her correct name Yu-hong Fan. She was investigating the intricacies of the English language. We talked around several subjects and got onto manners and etiquette and how a word can have a totally different meaning depending on the way it is said. She related when she and her partner worked at the Primo pig abbatoir at Port Wakefield SA. She said the workers there said said "fuck" a lot. On her first day she asked for something and someone threw it to her. She thought she was being attacked! Language and events totally foreign to her working life in Taiwan. She is qualified as a nurse and a biology teacher. Anyway it was an interesting and funny conversation.
Day off tomorrow!
Night Folks
cheers Simon
First day of winter and a glorious sunny day. To get an idea of the temperatures here I have installed a max/min thermometer outside the door. When I say installed it's hanging on a piece of string from the unit number. Anyway last night the minimum was 3 and today the maximum was around 19 ignoring the silly numbers generated early in the day when the sun was directly on it.
The day was uneventful until this evening when I went to the spa. It was 'orrible and cloudy. An hour and a half later I did have a spa after skimming a heap of foam off, adding a slug dose of chlorine and some "Pool Kleer". Will leave it on overnight and be interested to see what it looks like tomorrow.
Today's amusement occurred when I was up on the roof cleaning the gutter. I meandered over to the kitchen extraction fan as I never checked it's power use when I was doing the energy survey. Peering over the edge of the flue I could hear the voices of the girls working in the kitchen quite clearly. I laughed maniacally into the flue until they heard me. "This is god speaking" I boomed. They did not believe me as they had seen me up on the roof earlier otherwise I might have carried it off. "God can we have the rest of the day off?" requested the voices floating up the flue. "I'm sorry I replied you will have to ask Susan she tells god what to do." This was followed by much laughter.
The second amusement was late in the afternoon when I was sitting talking to our helper from Taiwan Fan Fan or to give her her correct name Yu-hong Fan. She was investigating the intricacies of the English language. We talked around several subjects and got onto manners and etiquette and how a word can have a totally different meaning depending on the way it is said. She related when she and her partner worked at the Primo pig abbatoir at Port Wakefield SA. She said the workers there said said "fuck" a lot. On her first day she asked for something and someone threw it to her. She thought she was being attacked! Language and events totally foreign to her working life in Taiwan. She is qualified as a nurse and a biology teacher. Anyway it was an interesting and funny conversation.
Day off tomorrow!
Night Folks
cheers Simon
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