Day 437 Somewhere in Bass Strait 8th April 2012

Nowhere Else is a REAL place

The massive capsicum greenhouse

The massive capsicum plants

My mosaic

Some of Kayes mosaics

On the little greenhouse

Two Islands

Jen and Fung's contribution

Hi All,

The Gypsies took their time packing today; in reality there was not much to pack just a few clothes bags, the coffee machine and some goodies from Kaye’s and my cooking exploits. We will be enjoying K’s Special Tomato Sauce, Tomato and Apple Chutney, Kasundi Green Tomato Chutney and Strawberry, Vanilla and Rhubarb jam over the next few weeks YUM.

Today we had a final walk around the Capsicum farm and took some final pictures. We did do a small final “job” which was to place my mosaic masterpiece (cough, cough) in the path. The design depicts the road to Nowhere Else between Devils Gate dam and the mountain peaks toward the east, clouds and sunshine. Some of the other helpers’ designs are pictured as well as some of Kaye’s designs. Kaye made us lunch of chicken soup and presented us with matching Easter bunnies, which we will save for a few days.

This blog is written from the front seat of the Paj parked adjacent to the Derwent estuary while we wait the Spirits arrival (Tasmania, not almighty), we can apparently start boarding by 1830. I was just about to type “that is if the boat arrives by then” and I look up and see a red form out of the corner of my left eye. I mentioned this to Simon and we discovered I was looking at a sign at the breakwater DUH!

It is now 1745 and the boat hasn’t arrived, somehow I doubt we will be boarding by 1830. Time for my ginger tablets, let’s hope I won’t be feeding the dolphins this trip.

Cheers Susan

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