Hi Readers,
The sun was shining this morning which was a good excuse for
me to continue my eternal mucking around with the solar controllers. Susan in
the meantime washed her hair. After we had finished these chores we drove the
short distance up into the park to Point Lookout. This has the added advantage
of phone coverage so I was able to publish yesterday’s blog.
We walked around the Eagles Nest lookout circuit. There was
considerable smoke from fires. However there did not seem to be any flame. The
walk takes you through Gondwana temperate rain forest. The blurb says it is the
same forest that existed 80 million years ago. Fossilised pollen from the Antarctic
beech has been found funnily enough in Antarctica.
We also saw the weeping rock where a light stream of water runs down the rock
face. In winter this apparently freezes to become an ice chandelier.
I did check yesterday’s maximum temperature which was 32.5
recorded at Dorrigo. This camp is 1344 metres above sea level which means it
will get mighty cold here in winter.
As we walked a change came over the weather and by the time
we started back down the hill it was raining. Mercifully it wasn’t too heavy at
camp and we were able to put the awning up before the kitchen was too wet. We
obviously didn’t do a very good job since it has partially fallen down 3 times.
Mind you it is jolly windy. The rain hasn’t come to much.
Free camp! |
View from Point Lookout |
The gloomy afternoon was a good excuse for me to renew the
cabling on both solar controllers and glue the one that came to pieces
yesterday back together. I did some tricky stuff resoldering the Anderson plugs for the
sake of saving $10. Anyway they are all working well.
Susan spent time hand washing before retiring to the car to
doodle in her sketch book.
I also broke out the chain saw to cut up a large branch I
hauled back to camp. We decided against a fire since it was so windy and there
was a fire ban sign on the park entry this morning. If it has gone tomorrow we
will have a fire tomorrow night.
Tea was a lamb chop casserole very tasty to complement lunch
times tuna and salad.
Weather permitting we will do some more walking tomorrow.
Night folks
Cheers Simon