Day 13 Wednesday 21st July 2010 & postscript

A quiet day today. Organised some more Mitsubishi Cash orders and ordered the parts for the Pajero. Toodled around and took a drive down to Beltana Historic town. Paj shafts stood up ok to the corrugations so confidence is high we can tackle most things without the camper. Spot of shopping in Leigh Creek and some time spent downloading Andrews photos from his camera to CD. Also worked out that the length of cable from my solar panel to the battery was causing short charging so another problem solved. Looks like a few days sun so Marree and Lake Eyre here we come.
:-) cheers Simon


Beltana is quite an interesting town with 4 permenant residents, as there are quite a number of historic buildings in various states of restoration this must mean each resident owns 2 or 3 properties!


We had a look at the gallery the most impressive piece was the labrynth (I kept calling it a maze and was corrected by the gallery owner). The labrynth's creator is the artist granddaughter of the gallery owner; Marion, who was the main collector of rocks from the creek.

The work was completed over a period of 18 months when the artist was in town. Apparently the origins are tibetan - one should meditate inwardly on the way in and outwardly on the way out..... Not cut corners and jump over rows Simon!! On consulting the WWOOF book on return to Copley we found that the gallery is listed as a host, cant say I was able to see much of the sustainable garden mentioned, there were some pumpkins on the outhouse roof though.

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