Day 15 Friday 23rd of July 2010

Sunset at Maree

Maree Hotel

Functional and free!

Hello from Maree. This is actually being typed before it can be published since we have fallen into the 2% of the population not serviced by the Telstra mobile network. We packed and tidied steadily this morning and managed thanks to Susan’s excellent packing to fit in all the gear needed for a trip up the Birdsville track to Cooper Creek. The trip was uneventful and the road reasonable with only one very shallow water crossing. We arrived at Maree around 2 and set about finding a scenic flight for tomorrow. That achieved with a 730 am flight time we wandered to the general store and bumped into Andrew again as he had cycled the 112km from Copley since yesterday. We set up camp in the grounds of the Maree Hotel. Accomodation was free with a $2 donation for the shower. The Hotel is rapidly expanding its accommodation and our area is under construction with 2 loads of dirt being dumped in front of where we have pitched the swag under a shelter shed. Tea was cooked and the dishes done with a bit of juggling since we only bought one table which was a bit of a booboo. After tea we wandered to the pub for a glass of port and a stickybeak. Plan for tomorrow is rise at 630 and get to the airport for 715. On return we will finish packing and travel to Cooper Creek and spend the night in the flooded campsite adjacent the road.

Cheers Simon

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