Day 110 Nubeena Monday 16th May 2011

Another farewell photo

Hi All,

An average day at the motel. Lots of good work done by the helpers.

This morning we said goodbye to Rafi and Bat whose time here was shorter than they would have liked. Tomorrow we say goodbye to Melody whose time here is shorter than we would have liked. Change is a constant here.

We had a nice community dinner prepared mainly by Susan. Home made soup, roast beef with vegetables and of course Melody's request for sticky date pudding for dessert. We had a few laughs tonight so it was a lot of good fun.

Morphine a Taiwanese helper who is a teacher was asking me to add up some numbers. 4 by 3 digit numbers in a spreadsheet I did it in my head. I was expecting him to use an excel formula but he did some "trick" with his fingers and said you are right explaining it was done with an internal method. My answer was correct, except he did it in a fraction of the time! I volunteered the word abacus and he translated it in babelfish. He was a bit surprised I actually knew what an abacus was. I tried to teach him to say, "Simon you know some sh*t." Apparently kids in Taiwan start off using the abacus and then get taught to use it mentally.

Blogspot is still not running so these poss are building up! Well go figure. If I use Google Chrome browser I can post. If I use Internet Explorer 9 I can't.

cheers Simon

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