Day 121 Nubeena 27th May 2011

Cape Pillar

Totem Pole

Rocky outcrop

Looking North

Walking Track

Hi Folks,
Susan worked today from 730am to 1130pm in preparation for the conference on sustainability. I was strategically on my day off as allocated by Susan. It was supposed to be Thursday but then became today.
After arising at civilised hour and having a large breakfast i headed to Fortescue Bay to do the walk to Cape Hauy. This is part of the proposed 3 capes walk. The other 2 being Cape Pillar which is a 2 dayer and Cape Raoul which I am yet to do.
Being a showery day i packed my wet weather gear and wore my fleecy jumper. None of these items were required. The first part of the walk is a long uphill section which had the sweat pouring off of me. The walk starts at sea level and ends at an elevation of around 200 metres. Consequently it took me 2.5 hours to get there and 1.3 hours to walk back. The views from the cliffs were quite precipitous and i wasn't keen to get too close to the edge. The two spires at the end of the walk are called the totem pole and the candle stick. Some lunatics actually climb these. The other item of note was a couple of fairly large tuna type fish being cleaned at the boat ramp when i got back. Unfortunately I didn't see the whole fish. I could only vaguely see the heads and frames in the water on the bottom.
Returning to the resort my phone rang and Susan was asking when i would be back as trailers had to be moved. This i did, along with testing the pools, feeding the ducks, drying the dishes,lighting the combustion heater, washing and drying clothes etc etc. All part of life here even on ones day off. I did manage to squeeze in a spa. Tomorrow will be full on especially as the trojan is on her day off and attending the conference. Ahh after midnight again so i better get to bed.
I do have some video of today but the blogger is not co-operating so I will put it on as an extra.

night Simon

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