Day 256 Nubeena Monday 10th October 2011

Not much of note today. The new water filtration aid i bought the other day cleared the cloudy spa in about an hour which pleased everyone.
I connected up the Ilan's alkali/acid water maker and it seems to be functioning which he is happy about.
Our pool has to be at 31 degrees for the little kids in their learn to swim. This caused a minor ripple when the instructor bought her own thermometer and declared it was too cold at 28.5 with the heater set to 31 or so. There is some differential between the indicated water temperature on the gas heater and the actual in the pool when heating up. Tonight i turned the gas heater back down so it didn't heat and its indicated temp and the pool temperature were the same. An equilibrium issue? There were a lot less children today so no shouting or broken banana trees.
Doris and Selina cooked us a nice dinner tonight which we were eating before 7. Susan cobbled together a dessert featuring vanilla ice cream, honey, nutri grain and passionfruit(from a can).
We are still in the grip of showers and are hoping for some warmer spring weather soon!
Was your day as mundane as mine? I reckon even Neil Armstrong got a bit bored having to sweep the dust out of the lunar lander every day. Until he looked around and realised he was doing something a bit different. Being here still beats driving up and down South Road everyday! and for that i am thankful.

night folks


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