Day 268 Nubeena Saturday 22nd October 2011

The new chicks

The growing ducklings

Choir in the shed

Selina, Aisling and Doris

Nick, Conrad and old grey head

Hi Folks,
The end of a long day. I look across at the bed and Susan is propped up on pillows hands on the laptop, mouth ajar, sound asleep. It reminded me of the scene from Fawlty Towers where Basil has a conversation and serves a guest breakfast in bed without realising he is actually dead.. Anyway she is entitled to be tired as she has organised and worked a whole day. This is the way of the special events weekends and this one was no different today. This weekend is the choir group. Tomorrow will be even better with 16 rooms to clean. Thankfully there are things to lighten the drudgery. We get to be seagulls with the leftovers from dinner and we get to watch the performances this evening.
In other news. The latest batch of chickens hatched and are out and about. There are at least ten. I learnt something from a young lad who was telling a young girl they are freshly hatched since they have their egg tooth which I guess is what they hack their way out with. I don't know much about chickens. I had to speak gently to a mother allowing her 18 month old to handle the babies so firmly as to nearly crush one to death.
I thought I knew something about computers but after today I am perplexed. My highly expensive 2YO, high speed 32Gb SDHC memory card that goes in my video camera wouldn't work. Put it in the Dell laptop wouldn't work(It has worked in both every day since we have been on the road). $135 down the drain I thought. Tried it in the Toshiba laptop it works faultlessly. Formatted it, put it in my digital camera works perfectly but it still won't work at all in the other two. Beats the hell out of me. I now have the card in my camera that can hold 6500 hi resolution pictures. The camera card an older slower small one is now in the video camera and works fine. 3 hours in my day wasted.
An aside to the broken pipe yesterday was the discover by the guests in the room adjacent that there had been water seepage onto the toilet floor. This was a bit of a surprise but was easily cleaned up. Obviously something is amiss in the lay of the land/building integrity.
The evening was a pleasant meal in the cafe followed by relaxation in "The Shed" listening to the music. I shall let the video clips speak for themselves.
Another long day tomorrow. Fortunately I have the day off, in theory.

night folks.






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