Hi Folks,
One of your average days today. I awoke to a lovely sunny morning at 745 which was later than intended. After we computered and breakfasted and coffeed we set about our anointed tasks. The overview being we need to prepare for the party on the 29th. I had variously toyed with going fishing early this morning or having a whizz to the boxing day sales to spend money i don't have on things i don't need to fill non existent space in the trailer.
I was dispatched to the mound out of the back of the house. This is constructed exclusively of the heaviest stickiest clay which was presumably excavated to provide flat spot for the buildings. i used the new supermower to knock down the grass and set about digging out some already precut planting squares to greater depth and refilling them with soil from another part of the garden. This produced the days excitement. After taking the first load down the hill in the barrow and puffing my way back up with the empty barrow i decided to use the ride on mower and its trailer.
I should add that during the course of the morning i had hauled out my solar panel to do some battery charging. this of course caused black clouds to form and rain to tumble from the sky. I was proceeding down the gravel driveway applying the reverse thrust to brake the assembly when the trailer decided to try and pass the mower. it started pushing the mower side ways and a jackknife looked imminent. Fortunately luck was with me and everything came to a stop still the right way up. I proceeded the rest of the way at snails pace. After that the wet grass was an anticlimax although there was a bit more slipping and sliding. After returning to the top of the hill i reverted back to the barrow. Much less potential for disaster apart from having a heart attack pushing it up the hill of course. After dodging the rain and a few diversions i still have 12 of the 17 planting locations to dig out and refill.
Susan in the meantime was dealing with cleaning, windows and screens and the fireplace. She cleaned and struggled to assemble the worm farm, cleaned silver, went to a property at Flowerpot to help Ann pick black currants and cooked tea. In her words a myriad of small jobs nine of which will change the world!
Maybe tomorrow we will change the world.
Night folks
Cheers Simon
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