Day 351 Mount Field Friday 13th January 2012

Seager's Lookout click to enlarge

Hi All,

Well today was a special day of sorts, my birthday, except Simon forgot. I was hoping for a "Happy Birthday" greeting as I awoke (now now a verbal one!), but nothing.... the morning progressed... breakfast, check emails and Facebook, then a sheepish greeting from Simon as he saw a message on his homepage sidebar, thanks FB!

We decided to undertake the Mt Field East walk which starts up the road about 5 kms and can be tackled as a circuit or a retrace. We decided on the retrace which is a bit shorter, but then after commencing the walk we decided to climb to Seagers Lookout instead as the weather looked as if rain was closing in and the lookout was a shorter walk again.

Simon and I have quite different approaches to our walks, I amble along mainly because I am not as sure footed as I once was, and have no wish to stumble which I am prone to. Simon on the other hand crashes through the bush at a rate of knots, but does remember every so often to wait for me to catch up. He says it is like walking with a grandmother, I remind him I am one, to which he retorts "but not mine". Charmer!

We actually made excellent time on the walk and were close to the recommended time of 2 hours, usually our time is at least 50% more than recommended time due to my ambling, maybe I am improving!

After a knock up lunch thanks to our depleted supplies - damn possums, we headed into New Norfolk to shop. I also needed to purchase a post bag to send a gift to baby Lola, Amanda and Phill's new baby, although we have known she would be called Lola for some months. Again thanks to FB we were able to confirm her arrival on the 8th.

We had a leisurely happy hour with nibbles and bubbles, and a walk around the park to check out the new neighbours rigs, all on the expensive side, a couple of new models to research.

Simon cooked dinner and then we cocooned ourselves to watch a movie and nibble chocolate. All in all a good day.

Night All


P.S. There are benefits of being an ambler rather than a crasher, you get to notice quirky things, like the cairn someone poised on a rock in the stream on yesterdays walk (see pic below)I wonder who would think to build one in the middle of nowhere - whomever you are I noticed it!

A cairn in a stream in the middle of nowhere!

The narrator is gibbering and rotating quickly since the battery on the camera is about to expire. The view from the top of the lookout.

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