Today we were slowly away from camp due mainly to all the pictures and video for yesterdays blog. We must try and do less in a day.
We journeyed up the road to the CWA market day. Julie whose land we are camped on and Linda who arranged it and has now made us 2 meals and offered us use of her shower and washing machine are both members so of course we had to go. We purchased and consumed some pastries that were delicious. Whilst we were sitting talking roast pork was bought out so we shared a plate and that was lunch. The talk was interesting. A Tasmanian couple that had moved to Cunnamulla, which we visited on Day 32 2010. I am happy to report you can now buy expresso coffee there thanks to a couple from UK who have opened a cafe called Boulders. This story was recounted by the the fellow who is a minister and now has a parish twice the size of Tasmania!
Leaving the friendly people at the market we travelled towards our walk for the day to Cape Elizabeth. I decided we needed to stop at Bruny Island cheese to have one of their excellent expressos.
We did have an appointment to view a house at 5pm near here and this stop is probably what made us late.
The walk was quite pretty with no overly challenging terrain. Up around the back of sand dunes with some excellent beaches and out along the point to Cape Queen Elizabeth. The views were your standard precipitous drops that abound around southern Tasmania. The return trip was a bit of a forced march since we needed to return by 5.
We eventually arrived at the open house with Linda at 545. An interesting property with a house that was far too large for us. The house is passive solar and is "off the grid" Electricity coming from a 1.4kw solar installation and 1kw wind generator. It does have a backup generator but it gets little use apart from when welding is being performed. The $35k cost to be connected to the power grid was the impetus for the current arrangement. Susan and I felt the property was quite well priced for the package and will not be surprised if it sells quickly. However not to us.
We had tea with Linda and then we all journeyed back here for a a few games of Rummikub with Julie. Tomorrow we are going to do some HelpEx at Linda's as well as refill our water bottle and more importantly have showers. There is an odd smell around here and i think it is me.
Longer term the weather looks like being pretty wet come Monday afternoon so the plan which of course may change in any moment is to pack up the camper and use the swag. Not because the camper leaks but because it is a a bit of a trial to get it dry if you want to have it packed away for a couple of weeks.
The weather continues to be glorious.
night folks
On the way to Cape Queen Elizabeth. Trout in the swamp apparently
Cape Queen Elizabeth
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