Day 69 Nubeena Monday 4th April 2011

Hi Folks,

The Antarctic gale abated this morning allowing rain to fall, well showers actually.

It was a calm before the storm day here. We have the schoolkids and their dietary requirements arriving tomorrow. Somehow it will all come together I am sure.

Our as yet unnamed goat is becoming tamer. I will get the collar on with out too much trauma in the next couple of days hopefully. I had to play hunt the chickens last night as they were all out and I forgot about them until after dark. After a few minutes searching I located them all huddled together on a piece of RSJ. They were all asleep so it was easy to pick them up and drop them back in the enclosure. Must ask why their wings never got clipped by the boss.

We have been chewing through the credit on our Telstra prepaid at a rate of knots since our Optus Mobiles don’t work. Just out of interest I checked their coverage map. Lo and behold there is coverage but you need a dual band phone which neither of us have. I rang them today and I think they have been taking lessons from Telstra customer service. 30 minutes talking around in circles and I knew nothing more than I did before I called. I need to buy a prepaid with dual band capabilities. I will pursue this at a later date.

We have been explaining some aussie slang terms to our overseas helpers. Such as,
“Flat out like a lizard drinking” “Don’t come the raw prawn with me” “Black as a dogs guts” “ Hollow legs” “G’day Cobber” “Running around like headless chooks” “pull your bloody head in” “look like a stunned mullet” “up shit creek without a paddle” “stone the crows” . We havn’t ventured into “bangs like a dunny door” yet.

I actually had to look up a slang dictionary since I was scratching my head a bit. Reading this one made me realise how many slang words we use and take for granted. We have had a few good laughs explaining to our helpers.

Communal dinner tonight was pumpkin soup, cheese and feta wraps and sticky date pudding reappeared. The "kids" take great delight in cooking something many don't do at home.

After dinner we had a spa and sauna to round out the evening. Tough job!

That’s all Folks


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