Day 91 Nubeena Wednesday 27th April 2011

The Gang

"Copping the Cop" in Copping

Red Lotus Tea

Salamanca Place Appartments

Autumn colours


Hobart Bridge

Sunset just outside Sorrell

Bunny gifts from the girls

Susan says,

The day started with a frenzy of photos, hugs and goodbyes, as I loaded the “kids” into the car for their taxi drive to Hobart and my extra day off. Having worked a number of extra hours I rostered myself for a day off, although I still worked from 0800 – 1000. Today’s departure effectively halved our helper numbers as Tatiana, Agnes, Peach and Jimmy moved on to other locales via the backpackers in Liverpool St.

We made a few stops along the way mainly for Agnes benefit, as she was not able to visit many local attractions due to her work at the apple orchard. I purchased chocolates at Anvers for the trip, then stopped at the dog statue at Eagle Hawke neck, then at the “cop” at Copping.

Arrival in Hobart saw me overshoot the backpackers as I was in the wrong lane to stop. The big smoke was positively bustling today probably due to the post Easter/school holiday combination, anyhow carparks were nonexistent. I drove around the block in an attempt to get into a lane to enable parking outside the backpackers. This attempt also failed, so I parked adjacent to Liverpool pitstop in a space which was probably illegal.... Liverpool Street like most Hobart streets is narrow and standing on the ladder road side hoisting the luggage down to Jimmy was on reflection craziness, confirmed by the terror in a truckies eyes as he manovered his side mirror away from my backside. Thankfully he missed me but only by centimetres. A quick hug from the kids on the footpath was accompanied by a gift for Simon and me from the girls’ two chocolate bunnies.

My quest for the day was to purchase some more leggings from Target, and cards for Stephs birthday and Caryns’ farewell from PBR. I did have a nice lunch at a Japanese restaurant comprising a rice bowl and red lotus tea.

I wandered the Elizabeth Street shops for a while then headed down to Salamanca place to look in the arty shops before heading back about 1500, via K&D Hardware, ( which I hear as “Candy”). A phone call and a text message from the motel required me to pick up 300kgs of quick set concrete and bolts, and I was thinking I would have light homeward journey!. The stop took about ½ an hour proving there are no days off in the motel business.

The bloke at K&D said the bolts were not available, and he had been on the phone to “them” and PBR, I did not question this and proceeded home with the concrete.
It was dark by the time I got home, so I had a spa, early tea and bed.

Night folks.


Simon says,

While Susan was otherwise engaged in Hobart I decided a different approach was required to burn the large pile of tree cuttings and ground rakings by the creek. To this end I built a fire beside the pile and gradually threw logs and branches on between jobs over the course of the day. However by 3 there was still a long way to go so I decided to go and have sustained effort. I was joined by Weiting one of our helpers. She had finished her alloted hours but was at a loose end. There followed a steady period of activity pausing from time to time to sit on stumps and enjoy the fire which was now quite large and sip on a beer. I was also able to introduce and explain another slang phrase, "bust your boiler" in relation to the effort required to move a large pine trunk. By 530 we had thrown all the timber on and were left with only the leaf litter and ground scrapings which were quite damp. This was an excellent result. I have been impressed by our 3 girls from the orient. They have been excellent workers.

Cheers Simon

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