Day 90 Nubeena Tuesday 26th of April 2011

Hi Readers,
First off today was not a public holiday in Tasmania. Apparently the Legislative Council decided that having a public holiday after Anzac Day was disrespectful. Ironic really since having a day off work with pay is an iconic Australian value worth defending.
Today's story illustrates the public nature of the internet. Susan as part of the reception function was explaining to some guests the various eating establishments available around town and mentioned Lucky Ducks our favorite coffee shop here. We are regular customers. The visitors were excited as they thought this was an Asian Restaurant because of the name. Susan was relating this story at Lucky Ducks and in the course of conversation found that the owners had been reading our blog as they google "Lucky Ducks" and see what turns up. Since we have mentioned it previously we turned up in Google. No doubt this post will turn up in their search eventually. Hi Grant and Kelly.
After tea we turned our attention to the bonfire. We have a accumulated a large pile (5m*5m*3m) of tree trimmings and ground rakings down by the creek and now was the time to burn them. After the application of fire lighters and diesel the conflagration commenced. Unfortunately the fire was nowhere near as spectacular as hoped and after a lot of effort only about 25% of the material was burnt. It made a mockery of the hour I spent rigging up a long length of fire hose to the bore pump in case it got out of control. In the end I doused it lightly at 1130 with some thoughts about what to do about it tomorrow.
Night folks
Cheers Simon

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