Day 55 Nubeena Monday 21st March 2011

Hello readers,

Tonight's blog will be short because it was a big party night to farewell our 4 helpers and the wordsmith overindulged.

We both had busy days. Mine was interrupted to visit the local call box and sort out my Telstra Bill. Overcharged a mere $570 for the month geez. Susan had the morning showing our new helper Peach from Hong Kong the ropes. She paused for lunch with me and then had a hair cut from Ady one of the helpers leaving today.

I started on the pool and sauna. It's the day with the most tasks on the SOP so it took 2 hours. The afternoon was spent on a myriad of jobs from light globes to irrigation hoses, weed spraying, investigating the resort water supply system, boy that's a nightmare, watering, cutting rhubarb, fighting off the european wasps on the giblets of the 4 roosters that were executed today for tonight's tea so I could bury the remains.

The smallish world syndrome struck again at tea. Graeme one of the guests is organising a performance for "10 days in Tasmania". Part of the story was about bells which prompted Susan to talk about the sounds from the musical fence in Winton (see blog for Day 40 Tuesday August 17th 2010)"Ahh" said Graeme, "I designed and built that!" We then got a bit of an insight into how it came about.

Tea tonight was a terrific affair with a hell of a lot of food prepared and eaten by the 30 attendees and a lot of wine consumed. Anyway must hit the hay, a change of plans tomorrow. I am the chauffeur to the airport in the morning so I better get some shut eye since it is now midnight.

Cheers Simon

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