Day 28 Thursday 5th August 2010

We have now been on the road for 4 weeks, where did that time go? Tomorrow for me will mark the longest holiday in my life (excepting maternity leave, but that was no holiday). Today we did more touristy stuff after dropping the car off for a complimentary tyre rotation which came as part of the new tyres Simon purchased for the trip, light truck grade (LT) for those that understand such things. What was supposed to be a 2 hour job took 6, which allowed us to pound the bitumen, our feet are complaining.

We started with a visit to the Silver City Mint which houses the largest acrylic painting 100x12 metres "The Big Picture" see the picture here by artist Peter Andrew Anderson, it only took 2 years to complete, and features natural and man made landmarks spanning 300 kms. In the next couple of days we will head off to see the sculptures. We also visited Jack Absalom's gallery. I had not heard of Jack until just before our adventure started when I purchased some dozen DVD's of the outback which we have now watched several times over. The DVD's feature Jack, Ted Egan (didnt know him either) and Mike Leyland (knew of him). It is perhaps true I have lived under a rock as Simon is always saying..... anyhow I have found Jacks bush hints and general patter to be most enjoyable and had hoped he was in residence today, sadly not. Would have liked a painting or two but the price tags were a little more than my visa would allow, we did purchase a postcard though. Walking back we looked at another gallery which had me thinking about the prices asked.... when compared to a regular job x hours taken to create the work, the asking price is totally reasonable... why then do Mr and Ms average not value such creations and pay the $'s?

Stopped for lunch about 2ish after which muscle seizure was abated by some brisk walking albeit somewhat clumsily on my part...damn legs/feet! We collected the car and treated ourselves to a Bells famous milkshake mine turkish delight, Simon's caramel, and a walk through the museum attached to the milkbar. Sister-in-law Robyn swears you can gain weight just thinking about their milkshakes. We felt sufficiently satisfied with the milkshake that we didnt have tea, nibbles and a glass of white, followed by a glass or red and some chocolate... life is certainly tough on the road!

Cheers Susan

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