Day 49 Thursday 26th of August 2010 & postscript

Hello again from Lawn Hill. Pictures top to bottom, "tata" Lizard", Lawn Hill Gorge, Black Kite, Black Kite, Peaceful Dove. A cool cloudy evening around 20C with a fresh southerly breeze. It is nearly 10pm, Susan is tucked up asleep and I have been leafing backwards and forwards through a recently purchased Slaters bird field guide fruitlessly trying to identify some of the species included in today’s blog pictures and trying to get the blog typed before the laptop battery expires. I find it much easier to identify birds from photographs than the illustrations in most field guides. Unfortunately I left my best book (Readers Digest) with photographs at home so have to blunder on the best I can.
We walked this morning to Duwadarri lookout and then on to Indarri waterfall, pictures of both are included. Along the way we encountered other walkers and observed several canoes. The views were magnificent and we are looking forward to getting Titanic II out and paddling the course ourselves. I think it might be a bit more strenuous than a canoe paddle. We returned for lunch and spent the afternoon catching up on various tasks. The sole of one of my expensive Italian Aku hiking boots decided to separate this morning so I spent time gluing it back on with contact cement not with expectation of success. They would only be 7 or 8 years old with not much wear. If this repair fails next stop will be shoe repairs in Cairns to see if they can be resoled I have emptied ants out of one of our food boxes twice today and Susan had to shake them out of the bed sheet. We trundled up the road to Adels Grove the nearby commercial campsite to see if we could get some surface spray. No luck, so we walked around the campground and bumped into the people we met initially down the mine and then at our campsite in Broken Hill, small bloody world this. After a catch up chat we returned to camp pausing to collect our electronic mail along the road and send some too. Tomorrow more walking and paddling depending on the wind. Hopefully lots of sun as a cloudy afternoon has left the battery less than fully charged.
This is a lovely spot.


On arriving back to the camper after our walk we found evidence of theft, can’t be annoyed at the resourcefulness of some creatures though.

The birds did it

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