Day 42 Thursday 19th August 2010

Camp at Isa. This is a flattering view!

Hello from Mount Isa,
It's 740pm and a balmy 28 degrees. Tea has just been eaten, smoke from the citronella candle and incense stick curls upwards and the dishes await me. This mornings mission was to investigate cycle shops. The first shop no longer existed which left the local Sportspower shop which had a smallish range of bikes and parts plus a bike mechanic. The bottom line was that it would take a few days to get the parts so I emailed George the bike rack man the list of parts we would need. George responded with an offer to cover purchase of a new bike as the purchase, shipping and rebuilding is a bit of a logistic nightmare. We will respond to the offer and check out what is available in Isa tomorrow.
As previously mentioned it was warm today and the heat affected the navigators sense of direction several times. viz
"Turn left" "Dont you mean right" "yes right" and repeated again.
"Drive in that driveway there" "That's actually the pedestrian ramp to the road" "oops sorry"
Finally "watch out for that car on the right" "err.." "sorry left"
However the extra set of road angel eyes are always welcome especially in strange towns. There are plenty of them in Queensland. They have great parking signs here i.e none existant. I saw the parking inspector taking regos when we parked and i asked in the shop as there were no signs. The salesperson advised yes there are no signs except on the outskirts of town and right at the start of the street and the limit is 2 hours. Her view was "it's bloody bullshit"
From the bank where thankfully my Visacard worked after being tempremental out in the sticks where the EFTPOS machines are full of dust we went to Woolworths for food and fuel and back to camp for lunch.
After lunch we toodled to the tourist information centre and had a coffee. From there back to shopping central where i purchase a bird ID book and Susan 2 audio books, 40 hours of listening.
Tomorrow we go and look at bikes! Also we will take the boat and motor 15km up the road to give it a try at Lake Moondarra make sure the motor still runs after having the 5000km of vibration in the horizontal position before we head to the sticks again.
Also noted this is day 42 so tomorrow is the start of our 7th week. Where has that time gone?!
cheers Simon

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