Day 23 Gulmarrad Saturday 30th June 2012

Evening all,
We seem to be in a weather loop. The conditions here are just about the same as when we first arrived. The ground is a bit wetter and the sun is shining.
I started pretty early for me (830). Feed the animals and then finish off the second window frame so Susan could continue the varnishing. She let the chickens out today into the green grassy area as distinct from their own run which is denuded of all greenery apart from some tall weeds and rushes. They enjoyed it although I had to chase the dog off a couple of times. Fortunately she ran off up the street when Susan came back from the shop and reappeared about 3 hours later (she does this regularly) covered in mud of course.

It was then onto finishing the eternal wire twisting tying the top plates to the rafters. Susan toodled into town and did the grocery shopping, visited the chemist and picked up coffees. She spent time in the house cleaning out the pantry. There is a  goodly cockroach population here which of course makes her skin crawl. I was called upon to despatch a mouse that was only caught by the foot in the trap.

I managed to reassemble the electric fence and remount the controller. I was unpleasantly close to the pig in it's pen while I was restringing the tape. It was grunting and carrying on next to my hands with white saliva coming from its mouth, quite unnerving. The controller works but it looks like there is a lot of earth leakage since I could get sparks from the earth clip with each pulse. The insulators are pretty rickety so further investigations are required.

Tomorrow is a day off. Susan is dismayed at the disarray in the tent so I have suggested first job tomorrow is to tidy up. Then we will head to Iluka to have a look around. If we return in time I will do some waterproofing of the canvas.

We are getting closer to having the hay bale extension up to the render stage. Before it is rendered it is vulnerable to moisture so if rain looks likely the plastic has to be remounted. If it gets wet it has to be pulled apart and down the drain goes all our labour. I'll be glad when the wire is on and the rendering is under way.
Fingers crossed

night folks

cheers Simon

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