Day 5 Tamworth Tuesday June 12th

Evening folks,

We elected to stay another night in the pay park here as the logistics of not doing so were in the "all too hard" basket.

Another sunny day with a bit of scattered cloud. Once we decided to stay it was full speed ahead for showers and laundry.

I elected to set up the solar panels and then headed out to purchase some supplies from the supermarket while Susan looked after things back at camp.

The chosen task for the day was to flush the water tank with some sodium bicarb to improve the taste plus investigate activated charcoal filtering to remove it should the flushing prove unsuccessful. As luck would have it just up the street was a shop with exactly the filter I wanted. However the price was somewhat higher than I was prepared to pay especially if it didn't work. After a frustrating search I ended up with a black irrigation filter and some aquarium activated charcoal total cost $12.
I currently have the tank filled with a strong bicarb solution which I heated by recirculating the water through the gas water heater. Tomorrow I will empty and flush and see what happens.

After we had idled away most of the day we journeyed up to the local lookout for some sunset pictures.

Tamworth from the lookout (click for big picture)

The highlight of the day however was catching up with Morphine and Fanfan. We enjoyed an excellent meal prepared mostly by Benson their house mate since our hosts had worked all day. They had some interesting stories to tell about their work experiences in a local processing factory. Suffice to say racism, exploitation and discrimination are alive and well in the country.
It was a good evening full of laughs and reminiscences plus we got to take a fairly large doggy bag of goodies home for tomorrow. I feel sure our paths will cross again before they return to Taiwan.

Susan and  Fanfan practising posing 

Susan, Fanfan, Old coot, Morphine and Benson
Travelling is all about the people you meet !!

night folks

Cheers Simon

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