Day 109 Bellingen Monday 24th September 2012

Hi All,

The apprentice blogger is in the hot seat tonight, well sitting up in bed typing! Simon announced last night that I could take over the blog writing for a couple of days, I am sure it was some type of dare... I protested of course saying he is much the better writer, well it has worked up til now!

It was quite gratifying looking down towards the dam this morning to see the results of yesterdays work. As I was telling Kevin last night I do like to have projects underway, at home this drives Simon crazy as I am always planning 3 of more projects ahead, in the world of Helpx we supply the labour for other peoples projects, I guess I am getting my fix that way.

Pano of paddock and dam
This world of helpxing is really a fabulous thing, we do often remark what a good life it is, meeting new people, living in allsorts of different situations and accommodation, generally free from the minutiae of the everyday, but that is not entirely true as there are groundhog days every now and again.

Today we moved on to mulching, that was after Simon got the mower working a red Jonsared ride on that came with the house, a lead to the battery was loose. Simon shovelled and ferried the mulch and I spread it out. I also managed to dig up a good number of broad leaf weeds in the previously mulched bed. The area under the persimmon tree completed we moved on to the bed adjacent to the bower birds nest. This one is a regent, and collects blue items to adorn its bower, with the main trinkets, clothes pegs (blue) plastic dolls tea cup (blue) plastic from broken ice cream containers (did I mention blue). Apparently the bird was annoyed we were close by and was making quite a racket or so Kevin said, I didn't hear it myself.

Is this responsible driving at 2 kms/hr?
Today's work day came to an abrupt halt just before lunch as the clouds rolled in with some very loud thunder claps. Doogan was beside himself cowering in the pantry, Ella is now copying his behaviour and had crawled under the coffee table. Over lunch of grilled open sandwiches we discussed and googled "dogs fear of thunder" and "loudest thunder" "thunder dbA" to find that the loudest thunder is about 120 decibels and had ruptured ear drums, broken windows and popped nail out of walls. Thankfully nothing untoward here.

After lunch we did managed to get a few other jobs completed - cleaning up the battery terminals on the mower - Simon, cleaning and stacking a few more bricks - me.

We both did a wander around cameras in hand, me photographing flowers and Simon birds, of which  there are so many here. I was thinking back to the bird feeder I painted in Woodbridge Tasmania, and wondered if it is of any success in attracting birds yet? The equivalent amount of seed here would be gone in 10 minutes!

Grevillia creeping prostrate form
Native Hibiscus
Cigar flower
Unknown but has beautiful fragrance
I also let my tidy genie out today and did a rearrange of the cutlery and utensil drawers, might drive the guys crazy..... Kevin and I shared the dinner making I did beef stroganoff with noodles and he made waffles, we are eating well, thankfully there is a hike from the paddock up hill otherwise all this good living would be showing.



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