Day 92 Woodford Friday 7th September 2012

Good Evening folks,

A funny day today. We toodled down to the house this morning, Susan painted the window architraves and I finished the stairs and nailed up some verandah fence boards and door jambs.

Irene and Des left after lunch for a short holiday. It is strange being at a Helpx where the hosts leave. We weren't all alone, Ron was still here and had a look at the screw gun that died in my hands this morning. Verdict worn out! Sort of like me. Irene and Des celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary this month.
The thing we will take away from here is the "can do" attitude they bring to the tasks at hand. Something we need to embrace a bit more.

After goodbyes and some goofing off we set to packing up. We finished just after dark and left the swag set up next to the trailer.
After showers we headed to the Woodford Hotel which was fairly crowded. The second main course for $5 probably had something to do with this. While we were imbibing a strange increase in the noise level. It was ...... RAIN! .....heavy thundery rain for about 10 minutes. Oh did I mention we had washing on the line. Did  I mention that I left the corner flap of the swag turned up! Of course the rain was not mentioned in the forecast. After we had finished our drinks, steaks, wine and desserts we returned home. The skies were of course clear with stars. I am looking at my disassembled pillow as I type hoping it will have dried somewhat before I rest my head on it. When we were setting the swag up I wanted to place it so we could protect it with the car awning from the dew. Susan poo pooed this idea saying the fatal words there won't be a dew. Technically there wasn't and the car would not have been there when it rained anyway.
Anyway I am sure it will all be dry by 8am.

Irene and Des and a couple of ruffians

Today's sunset as the sun sets on this HelpX

This has been a good helpx and another place we would return to to check on progress. I better get to bed I need my serene mood tomorrow to deal with finding a park with the trailer in Brisbane in the morning whils tavoiding the toll roads.

night folks


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