Day 91 Woodford Thursday 6th September 2012

Evening folks,

It is actually a bit warmer this evening after another cool dewy night last night.

Today Susan continued with her bathroom tiling and I finished the stairs (well almost). I made an error with the side rails on the steps. I don't know if you can pick it from the pictures. It is to do with their parallelism and was caused by the location of the uprights with respect to the step treads. Fortunately it's not too bad although is in the margin of a couple of centimetres.

I fitted the step treads and the rails for the steps.

Wall tiles! Design by Irene and Susan

After lunch we went with Des out to the back blocks of Woodford for a walk across a farmers paddock up to a hill top for a great view. Des was born in the old Woodford hospital so is a true local. He is able to point out many local snippets of information. A lot of it to do with who lived where and did what. He knows the area well so made for an entertaining outing.

Satin Ash

and closer

The view, click for the big picture
Irene and Des are going for a break for a few days leaving tomorrow after lunch. We will have tea in the pub. At this stage we will be packing before we go to tea and having a swag night. Another moderate dew this morning so we will pack our canvas way nice and dry tomorrow afternoon. Especially seeing as we need to move off sharpish on Saturday.

A strong wind has sprung up so I am off to hide under the covers.

night folks

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