Day 199 Nubeena Monday 15th August 2011

Fairly quiet day today. The pool heater which is gas fired decided to be temperamental and despite the usual remedies refused to play ball. Later in the afternoon i removed the front cover and went through the pilot lighting procedure which is pretty simple, turn off gas and power wait 5 minutes, turn on gas and power. Down on my hands and knees i was able to see the pilot was on but no sign of life from the main gas supply. I took out my Swiss army knife and gave the burner controller assembly a moderate tap and it burst into life. Another victory for percussive maintenance!
Tonight was the farewell tea for Morphine and Fanfan, We had roast leg of lamb with assorted roast vegetables and spicy stir fry veggies. M & F confined themselves to drinking water which in FanFans case was understandable since she was sick in the night and didn't work today. One of their requests for after dinner entertainment was that I sing which only shows their masochistic tendencies. After little thought I chose the the song featured in the video with accompaniment from John Williamson via Youtube at a volume loud enough to drown me out. After several more glasses of wine and after inflicting some 60's & 70's Oz music on our guests we retired to bed. I was resigned to cramps in the night due to the alcohol plus a headache today. Only the cramps eventuated. It was a good night and i think they had fun.

Cheers Folks


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