Day 219 Nubeena Sunday 4th September 2011

Erect Guinea Flower, the flash kept operating which is why the picture looks over exposed

Silver Banksia

Dogwood (I think)

Parks service environmental burning. Every 5 to 10 years.

Swamp Heath

Prickly Mimosa

Parrots pea

Hi Folks,
A day off for me and a late start for Susan. We celebrated by tidying up the unit which tends to get neglected in the general scheme of things. I pottered around doing some minor tasks one of which was checking the Hilton. As I suspected yesterday we have another broody hen. Brooding what I don't know but will endeavour to find out. Annette our office person has some eggs she needs hatched and raised so we will try and slip them in to the nest for some surrogacy.
After lunch I headed down to Eaglehawk Neck to do a short walk to Waterfall Bay. On my arrival I was greeted by a heavy rain shower lasting about 5 minutes. The weather today was slightly strange, mild with some heavy showers from dark clouds. There was lovely damp air on the walk and very little breeze. The path was formed from road base and was nominally suitable for wheelchairs. This made it possible to walk and look around rather than the normal watch every step in case you trip over on a boulder. The spring flowers were starting to emerge and the scenery was typical of this part of the coast. At the turnaround point in Waterfall bay there was a carpark and a further walk to the top of the falls visible in the picture. A must do walk for another day.

Cheers Simon

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