Hi there,
Playing catch up with the blog again. The conferencers are heading off Sunday morning sohopefully things will get back to normal as I have difficulty remembering what happened yesterday!
Saturday started with one of my video blunders that happens about once a year. Ilan wanted his little talk on his community village concept to the conference recorded for uploading to Youtube which I duly did. However when I came to process it, it wasn't there. There was some footage of the floor before hand. Obviously I was out of sync with the record /pause process and didn't notice. It's nice to be a bungler!
With the conference people conferencing it made for an easier day. Miracle of miracles the internet actually co-oprated and ran smoothly for their online material. This after it crashed twice in the morning.
Lunchtime entertainment was provided by Subsonic a sample of their work appears below.
They all shipped out to Koonya for a show after 6 which enabled the helpers to join Phill and Amanda the cafe people for some leftover nibblies with the cafe providing some refreshment. Selina and Susan joined us after they had cooked muffins for supper.
I think the people at the conference enjoyed our facilities and hospitality. Susan will be paddling like mad to catch up in the laundry for the next few days.
Night folks
Subsonic (3mins)
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