Day 237 Nubeena Thursday 22nd September 2011

Hi folks,
Mild sunny breezy day here today for my day off. Not that I did anything other than potter. Did some tidying up and clearing out of the junk that seems to accumulate when you stop moving. The main task of the day was completing my E-tax return which was not overly extending. Susan is ecstatic that I am now listing her as a partner for the first time.
Even though it was my day off I did instruct Nick in the intricacies of the rubbish and recycling since it is bin day tomorrow.
Susan and I updated our HelpX profile today which will put us at the top of the listings. We feel it is probably time to move on and will see if we get any bites in the next few days.
We had some nice pita bread pizzas for tea along with beer and wine and games of Uno with Nick and Selina. Some hilarious moments not the least of which was when Selina had to pick up 12 cards. She is a very competitive player and the look on her face was priceless since we were all laughing hard. The other hilarity was the shriek Susan let out when she actually won a game. My left ear is still ringing and everybody jumped a foot in the air.
We have our combined day off tomorrow and will try to get away early and head south of Hobart Huonville way and beyond. The trick is to get going early since we can finalise the destinations in the hour it will take to get to Hobart.
bed time
night folks
Cheers Simon

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