Day 235 Nubeena Tuesday 20th September 2011

Another warm sunny day in the apple isle, well in our part of it anyway. I was assigned to prepare the apple crates for their final role as planter boxes in the green house and Nick was to mow. Nick ended up doing the boxes and I took the Deutscher down the back for another run before it is reclaimed by it's owner. Those of you with a mind for minutiae will remember me waxing lyrical about this machine. It cuts and cuts most undergrowth and just keeps going. It can traverse steeper grades than ride on mowers. The only drawback is you have to walk behind it. I wish I had worn my GPS today so I knew the distance I walked. It was up and down hills and my legs were quite fatigued at the end of the three hours. I then hopped on the Rover ride on and had a spin around the flatter areas. Finally it was back to the Toro to work out why it was not co-operating this morning. Verdict the battery is stuffed. Clouds rolled up around 3 and it rained quite hard for 20 minutes before they blew away and the sun came out.
Twas very quiet here this evening only one room in and only us cooking in the kitchen. We watched this Saturdays Doctor Who and retired to our room for tea and muffins. The pictures i promised yesterday are still to be taken. There is always tomorrow.

Cheers Simon

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