Day 188 Dunoon Wednesday 12th December 2012

Hi Folks,

Some early morning rain while we were still in bed but a sunny day of mildish temperatures and few showers some quite heavy. The major showers that did fall were later in the day to inconvenience me when I was fiddling with my projects outside. A small amount of progress with my you beaut solar controller. Just when I was wanting to test it of course big dark clouds rolled up to block the sun. However with the sun shining both batteries were fully charged by midday using the old "clunker" charger.  Rather than buy "super" expensive chargers I think it is probably of more value to be able to move your panels around to catch the rays. Better to spend extra money on long low loss leads as often camping spots are shady. For times when the sun doesn't shine for a week then you either run the car and use minimal power or buy a decent generator. A thought that has been in my mind of recent days. Saves a lot of running around on cloudy days.

Tonight Susan has noticed the screen is pulling away from the zip in the camper doorway. I shall use the all clear on it tomorrow. It won't look pretty but it should be effective. Trouble is it will mean the zip will not be able to be resown into new fly screen and will have to be replaced. Probably due for it anyway as it gets a lot of use and is under a bit of pressure when the camper is set up on non level ground which is quite often.

I have fixed our leaking seam. Although in several heavy showers tonight a couple of drops came in so a splash with canvas proofer tomorrow will be in order.

In better news my mods to the water delivery system the other day seem to have actually fixed all the leaks. I used Selleys Allclear on the barbed fittings and it looks to have done the trick. It is now possible to forget the pump is turned on as it only gives infrequent very short cycles to maintain pressure.

Anyway that's the maintenance report. Oh the Grafton weather radar has broken down and will be for the next couple of days. Always a source of handy information. Well an early warning system at least. Some more useless information for you.

Looks like we managed to get through the day tick free! I do have three nice sized lumps as souvenirs of recent days though. We were also assailed by a fair number of small flies which is unusual for us in these latitudes probably a result of the wetter weather.

The fly screens i knocked up the other day on the upstairs windows

The smaller trunk to the left of the large one on the foreground  just over the boundary fence is the largest lantana trunk I have ever seen. Not that I have seen that many.
The clouds at dusk
Anyway that's it. Sorry it can't be more exciting.

Night folks

Cheers Simon

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