Day 154 KinKin Thursday 8th November 2012

Hi Folks

This blog comes to you courtesy of the Optus satellite service. I am a bit hesitant using it since we are not quite sure how much data our host has.I wouldn't say it is blindingly speedy either. In fact it is pretty darn slow. I think i will be blogging in the car up on the hill tomorrow.

First up this morning i took the phones for drive to see if we had any messages. I had to go further than I intended but was home by 9.

After breakfast we continued on with our tasks. It was a fairly humid day and we both made plenty of sweat. Susan was sanding an outside table and chairs. I hauled the shredder up the hill. It felt as if it had square wheels. I moved from location to location shredding. I then lopped down a couple of large lantanas. The blackberry killer i daubed on looked as if it had seen better days so I am not sure it will kill the stumps. Jules reckons it is at least 9 years old since she didn't buy it. There were rusty bits in the tin. I also laid out some plastic to kill a patch of grass for a new vegetable patch. At the end of the day I was glad, as was Susan to get out of our sweaty clothes and shower off all the dust and sweat of the day.

The camper trailer, tarp spreadeagled over the swag
Looking towards the house

The house. Yes there are three dishes on the roof

Susan knocked up a pumpkin, rocket and feta pasta for tea.  Jules is off tomorrow so there will be a private yoga class here in the morning. Number of attendees to be advised (i.e. will I be able to get out of it?).

That's it for today short and sweet. There is rain forecast for Saturday 25-50 mm which will be a change. Brisbane hasn't had a 20 mm rainfall for 4 months at least i think that is what was said on the news tonight.

Night folks

Cheers Simon

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