Hi Folks,
After some pottering around after breakfast Susan, Sara and Simon headed to Bangalow to the market. The market was pretty big, lots of stalls and lots of people. We took our time walking around . However although there were a lot of stalls there was not a lot of variety. i.e. 3 cutting board stalls etc. We had lunch at the market and another stall browse before walking back to the car.
It was then off to Lismore to the supermarket for purchases of healthy food by Susan and chocolate by Sara and myself. As I returned to the car I had an itch in my pants. A quick check revealed a little lump, aaargh a tick. We returned the 17km to Dunoon where Susan skilfully pulled it out with the tweezers. Not much blood in it and the itching is not too bad so far.
I decided to modify the shower plumbing on the trailer to simplify it. It is funny how you realise there is a better way of doing something after using it for 6 months. I remover the plumbed shower hose outlet from in side the box and converted it to click on the tap. Less joints means less water leakage. Although even after I tightened the remaining joints I am sure there will still be some drips. Not that it really matters as the heater is "bunded" and has drain holes under it. I also rejigged the water filter assembly since it was leaking like a sieve.
After dinner tonight we spent the evening chatting with our hosts and having a few laughs. I doubled my normal beer consumption to 2 which I will pay for in the morning.
Its late so bed time
night folks
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