Day 240 Nabiac Saturday 2nd February 2013

Hi All

Living on a farm has its surprises, like yesterday when Simon was sitting on the deck of the cabin while I was inside when I saw the two horses Soda and Honeymoon walk past the window. I went out and asked if he had noticed what was behind him and he did a little jump!  Today the horses were out again grazing the grass around the house, funny in the paddock or the corral near the stable they don't actively seek out humans but in the house garden they try to come into the kitchen and peer in through the lounge window. The gates enclosing the pergola area at the back of the house were closed today, now I know why.

Hi Simon what are you doing?

My list of jobs today was a little lengthy but with lots of variety, I should have whizzed through them but a power outage of a few hours meant I had a heap of half started jobs which I couldn't finish namely washing measuring and vacuuming. Measuring you say, well yes actually when the battery warning in the scales starts flashing and beeping and needs recharging and you need very precise amounts for soap making. I covered school books, wrapped and organised the previous soap batch, did cabin cleaning and a host of other small repair type jobs. Simon was out on the hill tying up the Kiwi fruit vines, staking trees, removing dead trees and weeds, mowing and then a spot of painting.

Rosella and bubbles
We tried the Rosella flowers in a glass of bubbles with tea, they looked nice but didn't stay at the bottom of the glass (which apparently they should do) I reckon the commercial variety have an addition not stated on their label, maybe they take wwoofers hmmm.....

Tea was Chinese dumplings with a variety of stuffings these were made by Anna, Andrew, Josie and Zac while I made the fried rice. I would have to say Josies dumplings looked the most professional good one Josie. They were delicious we had them fried, not the most healthy but sooo good, I might have to do some experimenting as they would certainly be an option for our nomadic lifestyle. We also had chocolate filled ones with icecream and Rosella syrup for desert excellent!

Tomorrow soap making, we certainly have had the most variety of jobs here and learnt new skills, this is exactly what I wanted out of this lifestyle change, to learn new things.

Can I come in?
What are you watching on TV?

Night folks


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