Day 62 Wednesday 9th September 2010 & postscript

Hi folks,

A long hard day today. Up at 7 and down to the beach for fishing. Nothing edible/keepable either undersize or catfish.

After returning for breakfast we toodled to town so I could recharge the prepaid internet since we are close to using up the plan allocation a week before the month ticks over.

My afternoon wss spent removing the roof bag and washing the car in the pleasant afternoon heat (36). We planned our movements to Cairns over the next week or so. Susan washed clothes.

Come sunset we adjourned to the Sunset Tavern in time to see the sunset and sip a G&T. We had a combined tea with our neighbours Tony and Corinne and rolled home about 10 with most of our 2 litre cask missing. Another great evening on the road! We had intended to pack the kitchen and awning tonight so we could leave in the morning. This plan may have to be readjusted depending on our wake up time/condition tomorrow.

Cheers Simon


The sunset was lovely, tranquil, most pubs at sunset are raucous places, not this one hushed tones, people soaking up and photographing the spectacle. This sunset not as good as some others, clouds required for the really spectacular ones.

Nice to know we have a couple of staunch followers, tonights mention goes to S.I.L Robyn for the encouragement to update the blog and her gentle criticism of our liquid diet.... hic how do you spell soaques?

Excellent chat/company over dinner you meet such nice people onn the road!

We can really recommend this park, lovely pool (several refreshes today), activities/PR several times a week, nibbles Monday, Free sausage sizzle Tuesday, shop on site, 2 rows of books to exchange and excellent ammenities including fish cleaning tables all in spotless condition.


Our home


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