Day 72 Saturday 18th September 2010

Kuranda formal dress


We awoke today to light warm rain. Just enough to pool on and get inside the roof bag necessitating some drying activity when the sun came out later.

We cleaned the rear storage area of the car removing the coating of red dirt.

The rain/dampness forecast for the next few days is a bit of a spanner in the works for storing the camper while we go on tour. We need to pack the camper up in a dry condition else the canvas will go mouldy while we are away. Hopefully we will have warm sunny weather on Wednesday. I spoke to the van park manager and they can open and close it to get it dry if it is damp but it's a bit of work so hopefully the weather will co-operate.

After lunch we went to Bunnings to investigate 150mm pvc pipes and fittings. Susan has suggested we store the annexe poles in a tube on the outside of the trailer as this will make the packing a lot easier. The bits will cost around a $100. However the problem will be where and how to mount it. Upshot was no bits purchased as I don't want to carry more stuff that is not in use. Might have to look at 2 smaller tubes. Anyway something to think about.

In the afternoon we ascended Susan's favourite (have you go a brown paper bag) road to Kuranda to visit Tanya and AJ for tea. The house and location are terrific in the rainforest. A BBQ tea on the deck looking into the forest, a few drinks and a lot of laughs. Bush turkeys and paddy melons calling by to polish off food scraps. The occasional shower of rain.

The temperature dropped a bit and AJ donned his dressing gown much to our amusement. Of course I didn't want to appear out of place so I donned mine as well which just happened to be in the car. More hilarity. Apparently this sort of attire is not out of place in Kuranda village. We will investigate further tomorrow via a trip on the sky rail.

After a great evening we climbed back into the Paj and descended the corkscrew through the mist and rain back to the plains. Another great day completed on the road!

Cheers Simon

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