Day 71 Friday 17th September 2010 & Postscript

Some days are diamonds, so the song goes, today would be one such day, but I am getting ahead of myself....

The day started awaking just before dawn, and before the rabble of the neighbours children. Amazing we didnt sleep in as there was much noise around the pool late into the night, the reason obvious as a bus load of teenagers were assembling as we drove off to Simons dental appointment. Unlike the last time when we set the three phone alarms, and only one worked, this time we were both in the shower when it went off, no doubt to our neighbours annoyance...

As Simon set off to his appointment, I continued the hunt for new bathers, successful at last. Later reunited with Simon we set off for some shopping at Rustys a market stall which operates Friday to Sunday, similar to Adelaide Central Market meets Brickworks. I was hoping to find the dozen or so exotic fruits referred to in the tourist guide, on sale, but only a couple I had not seen were available, and while many stalls had tastings, the "new" fruits were not available (custard apple, chocolate fruit and TBA)

The tourist guide suggested an international quality 3 course meal for $19.50 from the TAFE college, so we set out for lunch, just our luck not only was there no meal but TAFE was closed for the day!!!

However now at a loose end we drove back the route taken and.... Simon saw the sign (I had seen it on the outward journey but didnt comment - unsure of the details) Simon had mentioned an old mate/neighbour from Adelaide that moved up here to Cairns 22 years ago, he had looked him up in the phone book, but no listing, I suggested the electoral office (after the Mount Isa success) but Simon was sure Serge had moved on until he saw the sign advertising his business.

A hasty parking maneuver and a jog across 6 lanes of traffic, up a flight of stairs, and yes it was the same guy, but he was out of the office, a mobile call to the bemused faces of two office occupants and a plan to catch up later.

A quick and unhealthy KFC lunch, a trip to the Mitsibishi dealership to arrange a car service and then back to Serge's office for a reunion and an invite for drinks later.

A trip back to town to explore the night markets (4.30 til 11pm) and a walk along the esplanade, passing time until drinks and chatter later.

A most pleasant evening spent with Serge and Deborah, including a trip down to their local cafe on the sea front in Holloway Beach, ahhh company and surroundings superb, just as well TAFE was closed, otherwise this diamond may have gone undiscovered.



I must echo Susan's observations, a day where the most unlikely of circumstances unfolded. It was great to see Serge again for the first time since briefly in 1994 and since we were neighbours in 1988. Great evening!

Was a good finish to the day after the dental agony of the morning looked like putting a kybosh on the day. The broken bit that has been wobbling in my molar for the last 10 days was actually a broken filling that obviously went deep under the gum and could not drop out. I was a bit perturbed when the needles were being inserted considering it was a nerveless tooth and then the dentist asked the assistant to get out the wadding before he started to stop the bleeding. The offending piece was whipped out, the bleeding staunched and a temporary filling inserted which, "should last till you get home in December" I paid the $200 dollar bill and was feeling ok until the local anesthesia wore off. Nothing like tooth pain. Thank you once again to the inventor of ibuprofen. 3 tablets did the trick and all was well with the world.

I must also comment on the Mad Max mentality that prevails in the psyche of the Cairns motorists. Twice today i had to take evasive action to avoid being mown down as a pedestrian while legally crossing with the green man at an interesction. On both occasions being harangued by the drivers! Thinking it may be me i mentioned it to our host tonight. He made some observations too pithy to print here, on the locals driving mentality.

cheers Simon

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