Day 100 Saturday 16th of October 2010

Hi Folks,

A milestone of some sort today, Day 100!

We have settled in quite comfortably to Seva's house. She is an excellent host.
Susan is still having itching attacks from her bites which we are suspecting are from midges (sandflies). They are driving her crazy. For some reason it seems to be worse at dawn and dusk.

This morning was spent mostly goofing off. I arranged for some bits to be sent up from Adelaide by my son hopefully they will get here before we leave. In the afternoon Susan and Seva went to the markets in town to purchase fruit and veg. I stayed home and managed to repair the angle grinder that I damaged trying to repair the broken switch the other day. The repair was successful! Whilst doing this I also let off three insecticide bombs inside to take care of some large flying cockroaches that have taken up residence. Hopefully this means there will be less screaming and panic in the kitchen.

Susan has been repairing the mossie net in our bedroom stitching in a new hoop. I don't think i mentioned that we have been sleeping under the net. Because the weather is permanently warm we have the doors and windows open most of the time. Whilst the mossies are not overly thick we have no wish to be their dinner.

We declined an invitation to a party on the tablelands tonight due to Susan having to arise at 4 to drive to the Cairns airport for a 520 flight to meet her daughter Madeline in Sydney on her stopover of her flight to Canada.

Catch you tomorrow.

cheers Simon

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