Hi Folks an early start to the day thanks to the enthusiasm of the person who went to bed early last night as opposed to the person who stayed up late downloading videos from Youtube for our host to use at school today and investigating a virus on her portable hard drive.
We cycled early to the other side of the highway to the new estate. Could have been anywhere in Autralia in a new housing estate such as Aldinga beach or Seaford Rise. Houses all in that style. Mind you there was rain forest, sugar cane and "The Pyramid" in the background and of course lot's of green grass so not quite Aldinga.
We returned and had a swim in the pool before having breakfast. It was then onto our various tasks. I dismantled and packed the repaired bike into a new box and encased it in gladwrap and garbage bags to keep it dry hopefully. Then a quick trip to Earlville to fill up with cheap diesel. Susan in the meantime was sewing apron straps from the school art room. She finished the stool and did some touch up on the chairs.
Later in the afternoon tackled the ten or so glue guns. By some miracle I managed to get them all working. I can attest that hot glue sticks well to the skin and burns fairly well too.
Sadly this is our last night here. We will be back. Tomorrow we go to Paranella park for one night which should be quite interesting.
Tonight we hard some more tropical rain. We have become acclimatised to FNQ and it will be intreresting to see how we cope with cold weather.
Cheers Simon
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