Day 225 Nabiac Friday 18th January 2013

Hi folks,

Obviously every one has been paying as little attention to the day count in the title as me. I realised tonight there was no way we could be up to day 3 hundred and something since we left home last June. It appears my bodgie eyes probably combined with a late night transformed the 0 in 207 to a 9 with the count going from 207 to 298. I'll try to be more vigilant in future.

As you are no doubt aware Sydney had its all time record maximum today. This meant it was also warm here around the 40 mark. The chickens don't like the heat and another one passed away.

Susan was minding the shop the this morning since Anna was out. Not many visitors due to the heat. When visitors want the farm tour Andrew comes and guides them. While Susan was luxuriating in the air conditioning. I was out in the sun reattaching an awning to the chicken caravan which was blown off in the last storm. I was simultaneously running the water tanker trying to keep the kiwi fruit vines alive. The engine is a bit smoky on the trailer so I kept it just ticking over lest some zealous neighbour called the RFS.

Susan directed me to take a break so that I could be available for honey spinning this afternoon. This we did after I had put a new tube into the wheelbarrow tyre which was not overly co-operative in being refitted. However it is on and the tyre hasn't gone flat yet.

Spinning and bottling the honey took the rest of the afternoon and we did not finish the clean up till after tea. Both groups of guests popped in to see what we were doing although they missed the spinning. We bottled 75 jars which is about 35kg of honey.

We hopped into the pool before dusk for a nice swim although the water was pretty warm. As I type this we are just zipping the tent up as warm rain is falling and has now stopped after 5 mins. Should make for a sticky night!

cheers Simon

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