Day 215 Nabiac Tuesday 8th January 2012

Hi folks,

A bit of a hot one here today. I am thinking it made it to 38 or a touch more.

I started off in the shipping container sorting tools, while Susan went to Nabiac and did a small shop, returned and helped strip and make beds in unit 1 before doing the big shopping trip to Taree. Returning with a lot of food, 100kg of pool salt, 80 litres of chlorine plus stock feeds of different descriptions. Once the guests had left unit 1. I started the painting finishing what I set out to do about half an hour after the shadow disappeared. I also moved the hose around the lawn watering the citrus which are looking a bit stressed. It is extremely dry here for this area. The grass is browning off rapidly and the ground is like rock. The average rainfall for January is around 120mm. Total to date 0.
My final jobs for the day were removing and putting the tractor battery on charge, topping up the transmission in the mower and following the bleeding technique and lastly blowing out all the dried grass and dirt under the mower which left me looking like I had escaped from the black and white minstrel show. This was followed by a shower.
Susan returned and after unloading  made salads for tea a BBQ which was excellent. For some reason it felt like Sunday today maybe it was the BBQ. After tea we adjourned to the pool although I was the last one in. I had the best of the conditions floating around watching the stars after the kids had hopped out. As I was last out I opened three bags of pool salt, 75kg and chucked them in. Supposed to be cooler tomorrow and we have guests departing so more painting.

Well it's 1130 again so night folks. The air has cooled, perfect for under canvas sleeping.

cheers Simon

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