Day 208 Nabiac Tuesday 1st January 2012

Evening all,

A hot day on the farm today with the mercury touching 35.

The farm is 100 acres and I was over on the far side giving me a good idea of the size of 100 acres. I was over there cutting the grass on the strip of trees planted as a wildlife corridor. The implement of destruction was a Husqvarna 4WD ride on mower which was pretty unstoppable. From memory I stalled it three times and given the length of the grass that was a good result. That was all I did today apart from checking a few maintenance items on the mower. Topped up the battery, blew out the air cleaner, checked the oil (which was low) etc.
The Mower. It is actually zero turn, the steering works on the back section which is hinged.

After mowing

Typical grass length before mowing

Susan meanwhile was, cleaning the bathroom, painting the cabin, laundering the guest sheets, cooking tea and cleaning and sorting the kitchen cupboards. We had a swim after tea which was refreshing althoough as i type this it is still quite hot.

Sunset by Susan
We have a day off tomorrow so are heading to Taree and Wingham. Hopefully it will be milder.

cheers Simon

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