Day 231 Nabiac Thursday January 24th 2013

Hi Folks,

A pleasant cool evening with a clear sky after some light rain.

I was cleaning my new glasses this morning and holding them up to the incident light discovered they have a serial number on each lens. I rang the optician and yes they do have a number on them from the free form manufacturing process. It does not seem to affect ones vision as it is light and obviously not in a critical location. However it was a surprise and I am not sure why they don't put it nearer the edge. Anyway it is small potatoes in the scheme of things. My google research indicated brand name sunglass manufacturers have serial numbers on lenses (and frames) to counteract pirating.

On to the days business. Susan cut the grass around the house before making up unit 1. I had three small repairs to get me through to the time for the buggy to be available. These of course went well into the after noon. Fixing the frame on the A frame sign, modifying the solar oven for drying citrus and repairing the potato bin. The potato bin had some very unsavoury potatoes in it. They smell almost as bad as off bait prawns. Repairs completed I went out to the tree mounds and merrily swung the mattock for a while hacking out paspalum and other assorted weeds. I was a bit too merry and ended up repairing a irrigation line that I also mattocked (I know this is not a real word).

Susan knocked up another chow mien for tea, after popping to town to buy the ingredients, to the same recipe as last time. There was much refilling of bowls. Her culinary prowess is one of my great joys of being on the road.

Tonight she tried to do some more planning of our movements over the next 5 weeks. This is a frustrating job for her since she has to deal with me! First to get me engaged in the conversation and then I always want to holiday more and work less than her. However we generally get there in the end. Although I do have an axe in my head at the moment. It is still a bit up in the air apart from the fact we will be at Mansfield and Kyneton in the timeshare(s) from March 1st for 14 days. I always like to leave a bit of slack in the schedule for flexibility. However if there is not enough planning then the result can be a shambles. We have a bit of country to see between here and Mansfield and it would be a shame to rush it or not be able to adjust our schedule a bit in light of what we discover on the way. Once we have some feedback from people on the way we will settle the timings.

Night folks


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