Day 23 Nubeena Thursday 17th February 2011

Close up of the Hub Cafe wall

Amel and Julie

USA Ben capturing the sunset

Olá! leitores,

I awoke this morning to bright sunshine which was a bit of a surprise given the fact a change was supposed to sweep through. By the time we started our jobs for the day it was quite warm but clouding over. I had intended to do more sanding of the deck but trying to calibrate the new sauna timer to run between 10 and 20 minutes was a minor nightmare especially the waiting for the cycle to complete to assess any changes. Throw in another small repair that had to be done to render a room serviceable and the continual packing away of the extension cords and tools for the sanding due to showers it was one of those busy days where at the end you don't achieve much.

Susan was on housekeeping first up and then undertook the big task of organising the kitchen. At the end of her day it did look as if a significant progress had been made.

We wandered across the road at about 4:30 and in 20 minutes had secured a kilogram of fresh blackberries for Susan to prepare a pie for the communal tea. Our USA helpers prepared another terrific tea of Moroccan chicken with rice and salad. Susan's pie was the best yet with great flavour, the right amount of tartness and full of a coulis like liquid. In a few short days she has also perfected her pastry as until now she had always bought the frozen variety. It was a happy little crowd at the communal tea which is one of the enjoyable experiences here.

Cheers Simon

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