Day 56 Brooloo Thursday 2nd August 2012

Hi all,

This blog comes from cold fingers. First off I misread the thermometer last night. The 11 degrees I quoted was the maximum from when I reset it. It was actually -1 overnight and Peter tells us there was some frost when he went off a milking at 5 am. He says the frost will knock the ticks off for a few months. We were warm in bed with our extra bedding.
Morning sun on the canvas. The blue mat is where we shower!
8 amps not bad for winter morning sun

Frog colonies under the old paving stack

Final levelling of the crusher dust
Part way done
Danger men at work
So many tools to replace one little switch

The creek that forms the property boundary

The ford through the creek
The days continue gloriously sunny and the solar panels are generating round 8 amps which is pretty good for winter sun. We continued on with the paving today. The highlight of the morning was the snake I found under some old pavers we were recovering. No pictures unfortunately as I wanted to keep my eye on it while we removed the pavers. When I went back later it had gone. We have made a substantial dent in the paving and in the meantime learned some paving skills from Peter who has done a bit in his time.

Other than that not a huge amount to report. Susan got a good laugh out of the cows following me along the roadway. I have replaced the over ride switch on the gas heater so we may now enjoy hot rather than luke warm showers again. The weather forecast seems to be stuck on "fine and sunny" with cold nights and 21/22 degree days until at least Monday. We are not complaining!

Its cold so time to hop into bed and pull mr blanky over my head.

night folks


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