Here is the weather report. Overnight minimum -2.9! with frost. Day time weather, sunny no clouds maximum about 22. In short ground hog day. We awake with a dew inside the roof and also a damp feel to the synthetic cover of the sleeping bag. However the inside maximum temperature being 34 today takes care of any moisture.
Today was fairly uneventful. We did some more paving and Susan some more cooking. This afternoon we went to Brooloo to see the house Annie is minding. Although I toodled up the road 60km to Noosa, leaving Susan behind, to buy some "vital" bits and pieces returning after dark at 615. Unfortunately there is one less numbat in the world, run over on the way home.
Tomorrow, finish the paving if we can find enough pavers laying around and decanting 500kg of peanut husks from a bulker bag into a storage bins for the cattle.
The cows pausing to admire our solar panel array |
Me discussing the finer points of MPPT solar chargers with Octavia |
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