Day 306 Woodbridge Tuesday 29th November 2011

Peppermint Bay in the day (click picture for a bigger view)

Peppermint Bay late afternoon (ditto)

Swan and Gosling. The stuff on the water is Azolla a prescribed noxious weed in SA. They don't seem to worry about it here. In the dams there are hordes of little fish probably Gambusia another prescribed noxious species.

Browns swans

Hi Folks,
A warmy balmy evening, well its 20 in the cabin and 18 outside. The weather forecast was way off beam today with none of the dire consequences coming to pass apart from a small amount of light rain this morning. The rest of the day was almost tropical with temperatures reaching 24!
We spent most of the day working in the garden. Susan raking up grass cuttings and mulching the raspberries with wet newspaper and me brushcutting the grass around the garden beds, cleaning the roof gutters and mowing. A busy day.
This morning I tried to take a picture of a sea eagle perched in a tree but apparently was too close causing it to fly off. There is a metal table under the tree that Susan says people use to feed the pair. I had to settle for pictures of swans making their way up the creek plus a couple of panoramas.
The weather was so good we actually had our dinner entrees outside on one of the decks. This house has been very well designed to take advantage of the block and the view. By the time main course was ready it was cool so we decamped inside.
We have been lucky to have two excellent helpex's in consecutive assignments. It's a great life.
Night folks


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